Telling Blake The Truth.

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     "I think that was one of the huge mile stones in our relationship." Blake says making me feel a little awkward.

"It was. For me at least. I always found it crazy. Back when I wasn't a model yet, you still wanted to date me." I was just feeling weird things, so I let it all out.

"I still want to be with you." He says super quietly, but I still hear him.

"I know you do, but your forgetting you have Crystal." I reply figuring they was still fucking.

"After I saw you last, I cut ties with her. She wanted something serious, but I didn't. Kaylee, I need to tell you something that I know will give you really mixed emotions, but I need to tell you this." Blake says making me feel really nervous.

"How bad is it?" I ask not knowing if I really want to hear this.

"The day after the dinner. I knew they took your phone or blocked my number. I couldn't take not talking to you, or talking about what just happened. I grew some balls and went over to your house. When your parents answered I straight up said 'I love your daughter, and she's old enough to make her own decision. I would never ever hurt your daughter. I've seen her hurt before, and I put the smile back on her face. That's all I want to do, because she's it for me I swear." I wanted to stop him, but he wouldn't let me. Hearing those words made the tears quickly come to my eyes. "They replied, ' Blake, we love you, we know you know that. That's our little girl though.' I quickly said though 'She's not little anymore. She just graduated from college.' They then looked at each other then me. ' You have one chance, if you fuck that up we'll make sure you will be off of the clippers.' I didn't even care what they said after you have one chance. I quickly thanked them and ran upstairs to see your room completely empty, but there was a note." That's where I stopped him.

"I left late the night before that. I did all of the research, and I found the perfect place in Oakland. I left a note for my parents and for you." I collect myself still remembering exactly what each one said. " For my parents it said,
             Mom, Dad, I want you to know I love you, but you can't control my life. I love Blake with all of my heart, and he won't hurt me I know it. I'm moving away. You can disown me if you want, I don't care. Just remember i do love you.

"Then there was one for you. I left that because I knew they would go over to see if I went to you, so I hoped they would give it to you."

       Blake, I knew this would happen that's why I didn't want to tell them, but it happened. Now I'm leaving the love of my life behind. I know for a fact there will be no one like you. Thank you for showing me what love is, and I will always love you. Right now I feel like I will love no one like I love you. I hope you will find someone who makes you happy. If we're being completely honest I never want to see you again, because I will fall in love with you again. I will always love you, Blake.

As I was saying this I didn't even realize he was pulling the note out of his wallet. "Oh my God." I say as the tears come again.

"Kaylee, this has never left my side since you left." I started full on crying now. "You left me there heartbroken in your room. I couldn't believe that you actually did what you were always afraid to do. I was happy for you and sad at the same time. I though that soon enough you would come back, but you never did. Then a random game I see you with a GSW jersey on. Then the next game seeing that you love Klay. I should've searched harder for you." Blake completely says letting a tear roll down his cheek.  How did this turn from a small argument with Klay to Blake and I sharing our feelings with each other.

"Searching or finding me wouldn't of helped. I changed into this completely different girl. I was basically the Warriors booty call. I made a promise to myself I wouldn't fall in love again, and it worked out pretty well until Klay and I started getting serious." I respond to him.

"Do you love him?" The question of the night. I knew this would hurt Blake badly especially when I just found out he fought for me.

"Yes I do, but you can't just throw all of this on me all of a sudden. It's messing with my feelings, because Blake, I do still love and care for you. Now your telling me that if I didn't leave as soon as I did, we would be together. How am I suppose to react to that?" How did i get into this mess? I'm happy with Klay. How come every time I come to LA something crazy happens?

"I've always wanted to tell you this, but I've never had the chance until now. You and I being here at the same time, I knew now I had to tell you." Okay he had a point, he really never had the chance to tell me.

"I can't just come running back into your arms you know that right?" He nods his head. Telling him I still had feelings for him and he does the same. This is all just to much. Kaylee, it's time to tell him your dark secret. "Blake, I need to tell you something, and this might make you hate me."

"You can tell me anything, and I don't think I could ever hate you." Yea well you haven't heard this yet. Just tell him.

"Remember when it was our four month anniversary, and we well you know had sex." I steal a glance at him, he nods his head. "Well a week after that I was suppose to get my period, and I didn't." I stop seeing that he knew where this was going. "I freak out, so I call Crystal to get me a test. I I was pregnant." I feel a weight leave my chest as I get that out.

"Please tell me you did not get an abortion." Blake was tearing up again. "Kaylee, why did you do it? I would've taken care of the kid. I would've married you." Blake quickly says. I know he would've been a great father.

"I know you would've done anything for that kid, Blake, but I was young and definitely not ready for kids. I panicked, and well it just kinda happened." I say quietly.

"Just kind of happened? Kaylee, you don't randomly get an abortion." Blake yells slighty. I knew this would get to him. My phone buzzes and I look at the time.

"Blake, you gotta go. The game is literally gonna start. Your late for warm ups." I say standing up.

"Fuck." He says looking down at his phone. "This isn't over. Your coming to the game whether you like it or not." Blake says grabbing my hand pulling me to the car.

"I don't think showing up with you would be a good idea right now." I was right on that one, because if Klay saw me with him. All hell would break loose.

"Fine. I'll see you there." He says getting into his car and quickly driving off. I kept my promise, and I drive to Staples center.

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