I'm A Bad Girlfriend.

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      I walk slowly to Drake's room. I still have a terrible headache, and I'm hungry. I did just throw up everything I had. When I got to his floor there was security.

Kaylee💛- There security.

     "She's with me." Drake says as he opens the door. He looks good I'm not going to lie. The security moves and allows me to come in. "Hey." Drake says as I walk into his room. This room seriously looks like it's made of gold.

"Where's the coffee?" I ask. I did not want to be here longer than I should. I know I shouldn't even be here now.

"Um in the kitchen." He says awkwardly. I guess I did sound a little rude, but the more I think about it. I shouldn't be here. I should be with Klay.

"Sorry, that was rude." I reply, feeling bad. Drake just shrugs and leads me to the kitchen.

"What were you trying to do last night, if I may ask." He asks. I sit down and take a cup of coffee and chug it.

"Iggy and I were trying to see who could take the most shots. We tied." I reply pouring myself another cup.

"Did anyone tell you what happened last night?" Drake asks, I nod my head.

"Ayesha told me that you and Klay got into it because I started talking to you." I answer his questions taking sips of my coffee.

"That is true but there's more to the story." Oh shit. That's never good when there's more to the story. I roll my eyes laying my head down.

"What happened? I don't remember shit." I say trying to remember but nothing came to mind.

"Well I'm in Portland because I'm meeting some people, so I wanted to go out. When I get there I spotted you right away. I wanted to talk to you but Klay wouldn't leave your side. Then he finally did I took that as an opportunity. In my defense I knew you were drinking, but I didn't know that you had a lot more then I thought."

"Please tell me we didn't kiss or anything?" I was literally praying that he'd say no, which thankfully he shakes his head.

"No nothing like that. When I went over to talk to you, you quickly were all over me. You started saying stuff on how I looked really good and other stuff. I figured out you were drunk, so I didn't want to talk to you when you were like that. I was going to walk away, but you wanted me to stay. So I did." Of course I wanted him to stay, because I'm dumb when I'm drunk and forget I have a boyfriend.

"Damn." I whisper to myself finally looking at him.

"Then Klay came back and was pissed, because he thought I was trying to make a move. I swear I never did. I just wanted to talk about what happened. He started saying crap, and I don't like being disrespected. Finally he took a swing and soon enough we got kicked out." Why does everything bad happen with me around?

"I want to say I'm sorry for acting like that and thank you for not taking advantage of me." I finally sat up feeling much better than I did before.

Iggy💪- Where are you?

Iggy💪- Why is Klay so pissed. What did we do last night?

      "You can get that if you want." Drake says probably hearing that my phone was dinging. I shake my head.

"I really don't feel like explaining what happened. It's a little embarassing." I say and he gives me a look.

"Why was it embarrassing?" He asks. Well wasn't it obvious?

"It sounded like I was basically hitting on you when I have a boyfriend. Then there's what I did before that, which you want to talk about. I just feel terrible about doing that. I was mad and letting my brain doing the work rather then my heart." I would've kept going but he stops me.

"What did your heart say?" Of course I had to open my big ass mouth. 

"After what I did to you I was certain you would expose me. I mean I deserved it, but when you didn't I realized how great of a guy you are. I'm just so thankful you didn't say that. I'm sorry for everything I did." I say honestly to him. I was looking down at our feet because we were facing each other. I see Drake move and he was kissing me! I froze. He was an amazing kisser, but I had Klay. I quickly push him off. "What the fuck are you doing?" I say standing up.

"I uh I'm sorry." Drake stutters out. "Look Kaylee, your just different from all the others girls I've been with, and I really like you." What the fuck he saying. What did I walk into? Yea I like him but not as much as I love Klay. Klay is the one for me. I did not just say that?

"Drake, I didn't come here to get with you. I have Klay and I'm really happy. I know we messed around, but I just don't feel the way I do with Klay." I was starting to walk away. The look on his face was upset.

"Bye, Kaylee." He says, and I take that as my que to leave. After that I buy myself a plane ticket back home. How did I get myself in such a mess? Why has being with Klay so difficult? I love him more than anything, but I'm ruining our relationship. He needs to be with someone who he won't question that she'll cheat. On the plane ride home I thought long and hard.

I had to let him go.

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. High school is really hectic. Happy veterans day! Thank you all you have served.

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