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      I couldn't believe my eyes, it was like everyone expected it. One of the Warriors fought one of the Clippers, and I just stood there. I didn't know what to do. I look around and saw Blake had Klay in a headlock, my feet started moving before my brain processes it.

"Get off of him!" I yell pulling at Blake's very muscular arm. He didn't though, until finally Blake's fist met my face instead of Klay's. Every player stops what they were doing and looks at me on the floor, holding my face.

"Oh hell no." I hear Iggy says, and then a hear a fist meet a jaw. I felt hands wrap around me, and it was Stephen. He was picking me up bridal style to get my off the court. I didn't know what was happening, but I heard another fight breaking out.

"Help! I think she might have a concussion." Steph says as we got to the Warriors nurses who were still there. I was trying to talk to Stephen, but the words wouldn't come out.

"I think your right, and she's going through shock. I need to get her to the hospital."

Andre Iguodala POV
I saw Kaylee running for Klay, and I was worried. The guy I was fighting got a hit on me, but I quickly bounce back. Then everyone went silent, I saw Kaylee on the ground holding her face, and Griffin looking like he saw a ghost.

"Oh hell no." I say and I couldn't help myself. I was never this angry before. I punch Griffin as hard as I could, and I saw Steph take Kaylee of the court. "What the hell is wrong with you? You don't punch a fucking girl." I yell ready to take another blow. I would've but the coaches finally came and broke it up.

Kaylee's POV
I think it was the morning after the game, because I was in a hospital. I saw Klay sitting in a chair, and also Andre. They were both beat up pretty bad.

"What happened?" I croak out my voice for some reason very unstable. They both look up, and smile.

"Long story short Blake punched you, I almost killed him. Both Klay and I and some other Warriors got suspended for two games." Andre says, looking like he doesn't care. I was in shock a starter was out and one of their best bench players too.

"It's fine though, they deserved it anyways." Klay says nonchalantly. I wanted to get up and slap him. This was his career on the line why would he not care.

"Andre, thank you for doing what you did, but you should really get back home. Rest up some, and spend time with your kids." Iggy knew I was right, but he didn't want to leave me.

"Fine. The doctors say you can get out today, once they run a few more test." I nod, he kisses me lightly on the cheek, and left.

"Klay, what the Fuck were you thinking? You could've gotten seriously hurt." I yell at him. He looks at me like I was crazy.

"Griffin made the first hit, I fought back in defense." Klay says arguing with me. I shake my head.

"So what? That's when you step back, and save both of your careers." I yell back hoping that he was in the wrong.

"You know what for the first time in your life, your actually wrong. There was no way I was gonna let him hit me without fighting back. I was protecting you." Klay starts off loudly then starts to go quiet when he gets to the end.

"Maybe I don't need protection. For almost my whole life, I've learned to do things on my own. I understand you want to be a good friend, just like everyone else who threw a punch. I shouldn't of made you choose your career over a girl." I say looking deeply into his eyes. I really don't think he knew what to say after that.

"Kaylee, I'd choose you over anything. You don't understand how much I like you, maybe I even l-."

"Stop do not say that word, you don't mean it." I stop him, I do not trust that L word anymore.

"How the hell do you know my feelings?" Klay asks getting defensive again.

"I'm a Grenade, I can blow at anytime, hurt anyone who's in my path. No one loves me, not even my own god damn parents." I yell, and before I realize it tears were falling down my face. 

"Kaylee, that's the thing, if you let people in. Everyone will love you, Kay." Klay says grabbing my hand, but I pull it away.

"Klay, you need to leave, I don't want to be the reason your career is on hold. I'm just a bomb waiting to happen. I'm sorry, so please just leave." He waits for a second deciding, but then he knew I was dead serious, and left.

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