Put that Bitch in Place.

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    The show went great. I got back to the hotel around 1, and I was tired as fuck. I didn't even check my phone to see if Iggy texted me back. I didn't know if I should've texted Klay and been like, dude your ex is here.

    This morning I didn't have to wake up as early. I did wake up at 9, so I could eat breakfast with my friends.

"Goodmorning!" Someone says to happy especially since it's really early. I turn around to see Hannah. I fake a happy smile.

"Morning." I say walking again down to the free breakfast.

"Did you sleep well?" Hannah asks now walking next to me. Seriously this bitch needs to back off.

"Why you being so nice to me?" I ask as we walk into the elevator.

"I just want to be friends." She reply's giving me that fake ass smile. I roll my eyes. "Do you not want to be friends?"

"I just find it wierd you wanna be friends with me when I'm dating your ex." I say looking at the numbers of floors.

"Look I'm just warning you he'll probably cheat on you like he cheated on me." She says making me laugh slightly. "You think that's funny. It's going to happen to you." She adds.

"Klay ain't going cheat." I say looking over at her, and I could tell she was getting triggered. Hannah didn't say anything after that. I finally got coffee and breakfast. After that my driver took me to the same place last night.

Iggy💪- I thought she was a viner? Why is she modeling with the big dogs?

Kay😜- She said her friend couldn't do it so she is.

Iggy💪- Don't fall for the shit she gonna tell you. No one likes her.

Kay😜- I won't. Yea she's kinda a bitch.

Iggy💪- Yup. Have fun. Love ya.💕

Kay😜- I will. Love you too.

    "If your texting Klay tell him I said Hi." Hannah says. I forgot she sits right next to me for make up. "He ever talk about me?" She asks making me laugh.

"Hell nah." I say but quickly regretting it, because I know that sounded really rude. I look over at her and she's mad. Why would he talk about you bitch?

"Damn. You didn't have to be rude." She whispers, but I still hear her.

"Why you asking all these question?" I ask waiting for Latisha to come. I was hoping soon, because I feel like a fight gonna break out.

"Well look at you and then look at me. That's why I'm asking." She did not fucking go there. She dead.

"What am I suppose to look at? Your fake ass and boobs. My body is real, bitch, so try again." I snap. "Maybe that's why Klay cheated on you. He was allergic to all the plastic in you." I add looking in my mirror.

"Please we all know Klay like big ass and tits." Hannah says and I laugh.

"Yes he does. Believe me. I have a real big ass." I gotta get out of bitch mode. She doesn't says anything after that, and I smirk to myself. I'm damn right and She just salty about it. She shouldn't of fucked with me in the first place.

    "Sorry I'm late, Kay. They were telling us what look they wanted on the models." Latisha says getting set up.

"Don't worry about it. I was etertained." I say looking over at Hannah with my bitch face on. Hannah just rolls her eyes.

"That's good." The show went great again, and I got done early. I go back to the hotel take off my make up and go to bed.

KlayBae💙- Hey Baby, Andre told me about Hannah. Don't listen to anything she says. If you need to run something by me. I'll tell you the truth. Hope everything's going great! I love you.

    The butterflies in my stomach quickly came as I was reading this text. I really love Klay, and I loved the feelings he gave me.

Baby Girl💞- I got into a fight with her today, but I put her in her place. That's what a bitch gets trying to mess with me. Don't worry she just saying shit. I love you too.💞 Can't wait to come home and see you!

KlayBae💙- I'll pick you up at the airport. I can't wait to see you either. Sleep well, Baby.

   I didn't say anything back because the time zone was completly different. I fall asleep.

My dream-

     "Kaylee Pearl Vega, do you take Klay Alexander Thompson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the pastor asks. I nod my head,

"I do." I say smiling up at Klay.

"Klay Alexander Thompson, do you take Kaylee Pearl Vega to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Klay says smiling at me.

"I now pronouce you husband and wife. You make kiss the bride." Klay didn't wait at all he kisses me. This is the best kiss I've ever had.

End of dream-

    The next morning I wake up feeling so good knowing tomorrow I'll get to see Klay. My phone buzzes and I hope it's Klay. Its not. I totally forgot the playoffs started and they beat the Trail Blazers. That's my team.

     I get up and shower before I go down to get coffee. Waking up these early mornings I live for coffee in the morning. Everyone was already down there eating away. I always sleep in late, but I really don't care.

     "Man, I'm so glad we get to go home tomorrow. I miss my kids." Latisha says doing my make up. I nod my head in agreement.

"I can't wait to see Klay. I don't like being away from him. Fuck I sound clingy." I say then quickly Latisha and I laugh together.

"You ain't clingy. I love your guys relationship. It's goals. I wish I could find a Nigga like Klay." Latisha says making me blush.

"Yea. He's a keeper." I reply looking over at Hannah who is triggered as fuck. I just smirk to myself. I know Klay's mine and no one else's.

Sorry for late updates..

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