Date With Drake.

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We finally started to drive, and I already knew we weren't going to a restaurant. Drake kept driving and driving. I think we drove for like an hour until we got to this forest area, and it looks like a horror movie.

"Is this the part of the movie where you kill me?" I ask as I get out of the car, I heard Drake laugh.

"Just follow me." He grabs my hand, and already I feel much safer. We walked through the trees, which was like a perfect path. I finally saw lights and then I realized this is a picnic, but a 5 star picnic.

"Oh my God." I say blown away by how beautiful it was. I haven't been on a lot of dates, but this was the best one. With his hand still in mine he walks me over and ushered me to sit down, which he did also. "Drake, this is amazing."

"You like it? I didn't know if you were an outdoorsy person or not." In all honesty I didn't like to go camping, but this wasn't camping.

"This is basically a five star restaurant outside." I say looking at the candles. Drake just laughs and from out of nowhere had a bottle of wine in his hands.

"I thought our first date would be the best if we were just alone. No one asking for an autograph and no paparazzi." I nod my head. Wow he really thought this through.

"This is really great, and I didn't even think about stuff like that. In all honesty after I got my fan girling over with, I saw you as a Normal guy. Just like someone I could call up and hang out." I took a sip of my wine admiring his features. He just got a fresh cut.

"If we're being honest here, I couldn't tell you were fan girling." I couldn't help but laugh on how he was trying to act cool. "I'm sorry that was cheesy." I nod my head in agreement.

"I remember your flirting was much better last time." He just gave me one of his amazing big smiles. A waiter came out of nowhere and set down plates of food.

"I didn't know which appetizer you would like, so I got a couple." Drake says nonchalantly, I couldn't help but laugh. He looks at me confused.

"A couple? Drake this is basically a meal." I didn't even want to know how much this cost, but I could tell he wants to impress me. "How'd you know I like spinach and artichoke dip though?"

"Lucky guess." He replies and we dig in. I don't know where he got the food from, but it was phenomenal. I couldn't stop eating everything was so good. The waiters came back and removed our plates from the table. I figured Drake told them to wait for the meal, since we just started talking about life.

"Now how many main course meals are we going to have? Please tell me it's less than five, because I'm gonna be fat after this." He gave me that look and I knew.

"Okay I only got 5 main meals." My eyes went wide and I just laugh. "In my defense girls are picky." I laugh more.

"I better be wowed." He nods his head and when. the waiters came back. Every meal that was there I couldn't stop eating. "Seriously this is so good." I add taking a sip of my wine. Dinner was delicious and we were finished and he said there was desert. I think I was gonna blow.

"Kaylee, can I ask a serious question?" I was instantly worried, I had a lot of secrets I want to keep hidden.

"As long as your not asking me to marry you." He laughs and quickly shook his head no. "Okay then yes you can."

"Would you like to come to Canada with me? I have to go back because it's Drake night." At first I thought his question was a joke, but by the look on his face he was very serious.

"Don't you leave tomorrow?" He nods his head yes. I barely know the guy and he wants me to go to Canada with him. "For how long?"

"For however long you want. I know it's crazy, but I won't be back for awhile. I have work to do, but I'd really like to see you again." This is pretty darn close to a marriage proposal. "Here desert is about to come, so you can think it over." I nod my head and fake a smile. Just go with him, you have nothing else here. You still like Klay though. Klay doesn't like you anymore though. Ugh shut up and just say yes. You don't have to go back to work until January.

"I'll go with you." I say quietly eating a bite of cheesecake. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell he was happy, but he kept it hidden. "Under one condition though." He looks at me confused. "You'll be my tour guide for Canada. Not one of your people it actually has to be you."

"Deal." He says holding out his hand for me to shake in which I quickly oblige. Desert was phenomenal and I could literally throw up. "We should probably get going so you can pack." I agree. Tonight was so beautiful I didn't want it to end, but I knew we'd have more dates ahead. Drake drove me back to my apartment, and had to leave to make sure the arrangement for me to come was clarified. He knew they were but he said he had a little surprise for me. I did pack for like 2 Weeks maybe, but I really don't know if want to stay that long. I've only known this guy for like 2 days, but I do need a break from all this shit in Oakland. My only friend now is Steph, but I know him and Klay tight. It's whatever though. I got to bed in hopes that I'll get over Klay.

Here's a chapter, because they won. Klay gotta step up his game though.

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