I Was Right.

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"Why are you so mad?" I asked getting into Iggy's car.

"Oh I don't know, I'm sorry if you were flirting with our biggest rivalry." Andre says starting the car.

"If you want me to leave I can, I'm sorry." I say unbuckiling my seat belt.

"No that won't be necessary, I'm sorry Kay. Tonight was not my night and we almost lost at home against them." Andre says stopping me. "Buckle back up, I'll take you back to my place." I knew pushing him wasn't going to be smart.

       We got to his house an hour later, we were both tired but we both know we had to talk.

"What's wrong Kay, tell me." Andre asks as we settle on his couch.

"Andre, I'm leaving Oakland, well I want to leave. If I can move my job around to another area, I'm taking it." I looked up at him and I could tell he was hurt, but I tried to shake it off.

"Why do you want to leave? Kay, just because you had some tough times, but that doesn't mean you have to leave. We can get through this." Iggy says grabbing my hands.

"I've already made people hate me. Klay and Draymond hate me,"

"Woah woah. Klay doesn't hate you, he thought you were asking for space and he's giving it to you." Andre quickly cuts me off. I put my head in my hands feeling so stupid.

"Why does Klay want to date me? Or even think of being a friend with a slut? I'm not a good person." I say falling into Andre.

"It's going to be okay, but Kaylee leaving won't make anything better." I nodded my head slowly, and just layed there.

          Andre dropped me off back to Oracle so I could get my car. I drove back home and took a shower. I worked on some work that I needed to be done. I was about to go out, but someone knocked on my door. I was confused because the only one I could think of was Andre.

"Klay, what are you doing here?" I asked opening the door wider motioning him to come in.

"I honestly do not know, but I knew I wanted to see you. I figured I did something wrong when I didn't get a text back."Klay says.

"I didn't call or text you back for a reason Klay." I walked into my kitchen to set down my purse. "Your a great guy, but I'm just gonna hurt you in the long run." I leaned on my counter.

"Maybe you could even give me a chance? I'm not gonna hurt you Kaylee."  He says stepping closer to me. I shook my head.

"Klay, if you ever need a fuck buddy or something I'll help you with that, but I don't do relationships." I say looking over at him.

"Dray is right about you, you are a slut." Klay says before quickly walking out, and there is the basketball player I knew was in there. I carried on with my day doing what I needed to do before Klay so rudely disturbed me.

Kay😙- You were wrong about Klay, he's like all the other basketball players out there.

Iggy💪-  What did that Nigga do now?

Kay😙- He came over and called me a slut.

Iggy💪- You want me to kick his ass?

Kay😙- No, but there's just another reason for me to leave.

Iggy💪- Your not leaving. I don't know what got into Klay. I gotta go but I'll text ya later, love ya.

Kay😙- Love you too.

I didn't know what to do now I was bored. After awhile I figured it would be a perfect time to watch netflix. I was watching my favorite show, Once Upon a Time.

Iggy💪- I'm coming over and I'm bringing a bottle of wine.

Kay😙- The door will be unlocked.

Klay🔥- I'm sorry about earlier today I was out of line.

Kaylee💕- It's fine. Your right about me, I did try and warn you.

"I brought your favorite." Andre says climbing into my bed. I smiled as he handed me the bottle, it was already opened so I took a swig. "Who were you talking to?" He asks grabbing my phone.

"None of your business noisy." I say grabbing my phone back from him, he gave me the said baby face look. "Fine if you must know it was Klay." I say shyly taking another drink.

"Did he apologize or was he a dick again?"

"No he apologized, telling me how he was out of line and everything. I just hope he backs off from the relationship thing." I say laying down.

"Well maybe things will work out, but not today." Iggy says laying down besides me. "Now what are we watching?" He asks.

"Once Upon A Time." I replied pressing play.

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