All Mine.

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"Wait you guys are official?" Andre asks still amazed by the news. I laugh, and nod my head. "Woah." Iggy says.

"Yea, I came to you first, because this is all new to me. What if I screw it up, like I've done before?" I ask.

"Klay would've left already." Iggy says, which he does have a point. "Look babe I gotta go, I love you." Andre hugs me, and heads for the door.

"Love you too." I knew he had to go to practice, because Klay was gonna pick me up after, so we could go out on our first official date. I decided to get ready early, because I didn't have anything to do. I showered, got dressed, did my make up, and finally my hair. I was ready about 20 minutes early, because I was taking my time listening to my music. Klay should be on his way, since I knew he'd probably want to change. There was a knock on my door, and I still want to know how he get in.

"Hey baby girl." He says looking me up and down. "Damn you look really good." He says leaning in for a kiss.

"You look good yourself." I say walking in to grab my purse. "Where are we going?" Klay smirks at me, and says nothing." Oh your playing that game." He nods his head. Klay opens the door for me and closes it. When I finally realized where we were going, it made me feel bad. It was the place Klay wanted me to go to when he wanted me to meet him.

"I didn't do this as a joke, I've always wanted to take you here." Klay whispers in my ear. We walked in, "Table for Thompson." The lady who was looking Klay up and down took us to our table.

"It's fine. I just feel a little guilty." I say looking at my menu, I hear Klay sigh but I just shrug it off. "This place is lovely." I say trying to start conversation, which I did. The date actually went really good. It felt a little wierd for me, since I've really never been on a date before. We talked about about a lot of stuff, and I think I got to know him even better. He wouldn't let me pay for anything though, which I was upset, because everything was very very expensive. When were we finished he dropped me off back home, and no he did not go upstairs. Klay said he would've but he had a early practice the next day, which is totally understandable.

Iggy💪- Tomorrow your telling me everything that happened.

Kay😚- Sometimes I think your a girl.

Iggy💪- Haha very funny.

I couldn't stop smiling, and I really like this feeling. I never want it to end, but finally I did have to go to sleep.

The next morning I was still filled with butterflies, and they got even worse when Klay texted me.

Klay🔥- Hey baby girl, can I come over after practice?

Kaylee💕- I'd say yes, but Andre wants to come over. I don't want him to feel left out, because he is my best friend. How about I text you when he leaves?

Klay🔥- I understand, and Yea. See ya later.

Soon enough Iggy was ringing at my buzzer.

Klay Thompson POV☻
I put down my phone, and just smile. I could call Kaylee mine now without having to worry. I know this whole thing is new to her, but I would still wait for her.

"What's got you smiling like a teenage girl?" Stephen asks smirking at me. Practice was currently over, and we were all chilling in the locker room. Andre obviously wasn't here though.

"Just this girl." I reply hoping he'd only hear, but obviously everyone else did.

"You still all about that Kaylee chick?" KD asks smirking over at Dray. "Cuz you gonna get your heart broken." He says laughing. I just roll my eyes, he didn't know shit.

"Well good luck man, you'll need it." Dray says before walking out. I look over at Steph, but he looks as confused as I was.

"You don't think he's planning something right?" I ask Stephen as we're walking out, where we could talk in private.

"I hope Dray wouldn't be that stupid, but I think he still likes her." Steph says shrugging his shoulders. We got to his car and said goodbye. I didn't know what to do, since I couldn't go to Kaylee's right away. Once I got in my car I decid I'd just go home and chill for a little bit.

Kaylee's POV
"Boy I told you everything, and no we did not have sex." I say laughing at Andre who wanted to know every little detail.

"Seriously your telling me the truth? Thee Kaylee Vega did not have sex after a date?" I kept laughing, but quickly shook my head no. "Dear God this is a miracle." Andre says falling onto my bed, which makes me laugh more.

"Yes Andre, for the first time in forever." I start singing walking over to him as he dies of laughter. I lay down besides him.

"Promise me this will never change," Iggy says holding up his pinky finger,"I at least want you all to myself one day a week." I could tell he was serious, so I cross my pinky with his.

"Andre Iguodala, I promise you this will never change." He smiles and we go in for a hug.

"Good. I thought I'd have to fight Klay for you." I laugh, but remember that I'd text Klay when iggy leaves. "You wanna have a movie night? We haven't had one of those in a long time."

"Yes, I'll make the popcorn." I would make popcorn, but I needed a reason to leave.

Kaylee💕- I am so sorry, but Iggy and I are having a movie night. I'll see you tomorrow?

Klay🔥- Yea sure.

Thank you @kristinaiscute1 for the spam!!

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