Best Friend Time!

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      The next morning Klay left early for practice, and I was still in bed being lazy as fuck. I was just scrolling through my Instagram feed when I thought of the best idea.

Kay😜- Yo after practice can you do me a huge favor? I'll buy lunch..

    I knew I wasn't going to get an answer, so I quickly jump into the shower. I dress in something casual and decide I don't want to put make up on today.

Iggy💪- Sure. What you need?

Kay😜- I need you to come shopping with me to buy Klay something nice.

Iggy💪- Really?

Kay😜- Pleassseee. I said I'd buy food.

Iggy💪- Just because of the food and the company.😁

Kay😜- Yayy! Thank you💕.

Kay😜- I'll be at my apartment.

Iggy💪- You getting something for Klay aren't ya?

Kay😜- Busted.😁

    I quickly leave to go back to my apartment, since I knew Andre would be awhile. I needed to get all of my stuff organized and make it look clean for the buyers. Surprisingly a lot of people are interested in this place. I didn't realize how much crap I had until I was filling garbage bag after garbage bag.

Iggy💪- I'm here.☺

    I grab my things and run out the door. I wasn't in a rush or anything, but I don't see Iggy as much as I do now.

"Hello, best friend." I say as I get into the car.

"Hey, girl." Andre says back. "So what did you need my help for and where do you wanna go?" He asks.

"Well your a guy and I want to buy Klay like a watch or something." Iggy nods his head.

"Good thing you asked me, because I know the perfect place." I give him a smile as he drives off. I knew Iggy would know his stuff.

KlayBae💙- Where are you?

Baby Girl💞- Out with Iggy. I'll be back soon!

KlayBae💙- Okay. Have fun!

    We arrive at this very very fancy store. When I walk in I could smell the expensiveness. I start to look around as Iggy does as Well. I was looking around with him in the guys sections, and I found the perfect one.

   "Andre, Klay would like that one right?" I ask pointing at the watch

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   "Andre, Klay would like that one right?" I ask pointing at the watch. Iggy quickly nods his head. "Perfect." The sales person quickly comes up go me and I tell him which one I want.

"Your total is $4,488.00" I hand them my credit card. It actually wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. When I was done Andre was still walking around looking, so I went to look at the women's section. Wow did they have a lot of beautiful ones. Yet one quickly caught my eye.

It was 5 grand, and I didn't need it that bad

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It was 5 grand, and I didn't need it that bad. The same sales person comes to me and grabs the same one I'm looking at. Andre must be getting it for his wife, he has good taste.

    "Ready?" Andre asks holding his bag. I nod my head and we walk out of the store together. "Am I taking you to Klay's house?" Iggy asks as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yes please." I reply. "Did you buy that one watch on the women section for your wife?" I ask even though I knew it was for her. We get stopped by a ref light and he pulls out a box from his bag.

"Actually I got it for someone named Kaylee Pearl Vega." Andre says as he pops the box open and there it was. My mouth opens wide as he hands it to me.

"Andre, I can't take this. I saw the price tag and it was way to expensive." I say pushing it back towards him.

"I knew you were gonna say that. Did you read that everything in there is non refundable." I roll my eyes of course. "You better take it or it'll go to waste." He quickly puts it in my lap as the light turns green. Closer up it was beautiful.

"Since I know you and you won't take it. Thank you, Andre, it's so beautiful." I close the box and put it in my bag. "You still shouldn't of bought it for me." I add.

"What are best friends for?" He looks over at me and asks. I just smile.

"What are you hungry for?" I ask remembering I promised him lunch.

"Don't worry. I'm already driving to our spot." I should've figured that's where we were going, since we both love it so much. Couple minutes later he pulls up in the parking lot.

"Hello, how many?" The waitress asks.

"Two." I reply. She smiles and looks at Andre, and I could tell she was trying not to freak out. We get seated. "I have to use the restroom real quick." I say, but I actually walk towards the manager. "Hi, I'm seating at the table with Andre Iguodala, and I would like to give you my card and just pay for whatever we order." He nods his head taking my card. "thanks."

    "Are we getting our usual?" Andre asks as I come back. I nod my head not even bothering to look at the menu. Lunch was really nice. I love hanging out with Andre. We just don't care about anything, and we just ignore the people taking photos.

    "Your all set. Have a good day." Our waitress says handing me back my card. I smirk at Iggy and he realized what I did. "All I need is a thank you." I say standing up.

"Yes thank you, but well played. I'll get the bill next time." I just nod my head knowing I'll do the same thing. Andre drives me to Klay's well my house. Still not use to it.

   "Thank you again, Andre." I say picking up my bag.

"No problemo." He replies. "See ya later. Love you." I smile,

"Love you too." I confirm quickly before I shut the door. I knew Klay was home seeing that he had his truck in the driveway. I wasn't going to give him the watch yet, but I would soon.

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