Not Going Anywhere.

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     When I get down to the lobby/ bar area Bella was already walking into the doors. I quickly walk over to her.

"Hey thanks for coming." I say as I give her a hug.

"Thank you for inviting me. Is everything okay though?" She asks as we were walking towards the bar. Sitting down at the stools.

"I need a drink in my first." I reply sitting down at a stool. I hear her laugh as the bartender comes up to us.

"What can I get you two pretty ladies?" He asks smirking at me. I roll my eyes.

"I'll have bourbon please." I say looking anywhere but him.

"I'll have a strawberry margarita." Bella says. He leaves and quickly comes back with mine. I down it.

"God I needed that." I say mostly to myself but Bella laughs.

"So what happened?" Bella asks.

"Do you follow my Instagram?" I ask her and she nods her head. "So you've seen the dick pic?" I ask, she nods again. "Well it was a joke but everyone is calling me fake and everything. When I was at the game people were just talking about me. Then Klay is saying like he told my so, and I know I fucked up. He doesn't have to rub it in though." The bartender refills my drink and I slam it. "Keep them coming." I say.

"I'm sorry I make you feel that way." I knew who it was and I instantly regret what I said. I told you I do stupid shit when I feel this way. I turn around and Klay stood there looking  so upset.

"Uh oh." I hear Bella whisper. I wanted to nod my head an agreement, but I was trying to find a way to get out of this one.

"I didn't know I made you feel that way, Kaylee, why didn't you just tell me." I walk over to Klay totally forgetting about Bella.

"I can't just tell you that. I know I fucked up, but you reminding me 24/7 gets really annoying. I know you were just trying to look out for me, but I don't need protection. I've learned how to protect myself." Everyone was now staring and taking pictures.

"I'm gonna go. You can finish up with your friend." Klay says quickly walking away to me. Why do I always open my big ass mouth?

    "You okay?" Bella asks walking up behind me. I shake my head. I need to start being honest with Klay, because I might lose him in the long run if I stay like this. I really don't want to lose him. "Just let him cool down and then go talk to him." She adds and I agree.

   "I'm sorry this was such a crappy night. I didn't know he was gonna come down and listen to our conversation. Sometimes my life is too complicated." I then have another drink, because I really need it.

"Like you said before a lot of things were going wrong because you did something stupid you really didn't want to do. Klay is probably just upset you didn't tell him how you felt." How does this girl already know the story of my life.

"I just met you and you explained my whole life." Another drink. She and I laugh. "I hate to be rude, but I think I'm gonna go talk to Klay. I'll text you sometime."

"I understand. Don't worry, and that would be great. Bye, Kaylee."

"Bye." Now I have to go face the boyfriend. I slowly walked up to our room hoping he was still in there. Once I got off of the elevator I walk slow again to our room. I knock on the door,

     "Klay, it's me. Please open up." I had a key, but I knew it would be better if he opens the door for me. "Look I have a key, but I'm still out here." I add after he doesn't answer. Maybe he's not in there. I take out my key and open the door. I walk to our bedroom to see he's listening to music. Klay looks up at me and takes his headphones out.

"I thought you would've stayed down there, since you like to talk to stranger about your feelings rather than me." Klay says now sounding pissed off. I go and stand in front of the bed.

"Klay, you've known ever since we've met I don't like to share feelings with anyone. I know I suck at relationships, and I'm still trying to figure out why your still with me. I suck at this. You deserve someone you can be full on honest with whatever happens." I was nervous I started to blab, or the alcohol is doing this to me.

"When will you understand that I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you always. If your scared to tell me something. Don't be. Kaylee, I love you, and you can't say anything to change that." He stands up and walks closer to me. "Yes, I do know your not good at sharing your feelings and that's okay. I'm not good at that either." Why he lying he's always shared what he's thought with me. I'm surprised he ain't mad anymore.

"I love you, Klay, and I'm sorry." I say looking up at him. God I love this man so much. Klay then doesn't hesitate to kiss me. My arms wrap around the back of his neck bringing him closer to me.

      "Can you tell me about your friend though?" Klay asks as we were now just laying in bed (hint hint). I was cuddled up on the side of him.

"Well before the game I went to the restroom and we ran into each other. Bella recognized me and I was rude thinking that she just wanted to say how dumb I was. She wasn't like that though. Bella just said she liked that I had real everything on my body, since I'm a model. Then we swapped numbers because I knew she was a cool person." I state. "Oh she likes the Warriors by the way." I add quickly.

"Well that's the good thing." He says and we both laugh.

I'm updating because I miss and love my friend Lili💚

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