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    "What do you mean Klay got suspended for a game?" I ask Iggy trying to keep my cool. "He went to the game completely wasted are you fucking kidding me?!" I couldn't hold back anymore I am completely pissed off.

"I know it's not like him, but you need to get back now." Andre says, I've never heard him sound so serious before. I was about to say something else but Drake walks in.

"Look Iggy, I have to go. I'll be home as soon as possible. Love ya." He replies and I hang up the phone.

"Sorry I should've knocked first." Drake says rocking back and forth and his heels.

"It's okay, but I have to go very soon." I didn't know how much of that Drake heard, but he nods his head. I walk past him and head to the door.

"I did read on sports center Klay was suspended. You okay?" He asks leaning again the doorway. I took a deep breath.

"No Drake, I'm actually not. I don't know what got into Klay, but I have to get back. I hope all the papers are finalized, if not I'll come back." I say packing up what I took out.

"I didn't know you were Klay's baby sitter." Drake says and I quickly give him that look. "All I'm saying Kay, is he's a grown ass man who should be able to take care of himself." He had a point, but this was my fault.

"I know he is, and I'm definitely pissed off about this; however, this is all my fault." I say looking around the room making sure I didn't forget anything.

"How?" Drake asks sitting down on the bed. I stop what I was doing and sigh.

"Drake, Klay really doesn't like you, because of what happened at the basketball game. Also when I went to Toronto with you." I say honeslty I could care less.

"You guys were officially then?" I then tried to remember. I've never really known what it was like to be officially with someone. Did he ever ask me to be his girl?

"I honeslty don't think we were. We were just in this wierd place where he wanted more, but I didn't know what I wanted. Cuz I don't really do relationships." I say honeslty sitting next to Drake.

"Then you should've just told him, ' we ain't official Nigga, so I can fuck who I want. If you want something more let me know." I start laughing hysterically. I don't know why, but I just imagine myself saying that. "Your laugh is beautiful." He says making me look at him.

"Thank you. I don't think that would go over with Klay though, he gets jealous. I mean I know he's wanted more, but I don't know what I want. I'm not good at relationships."

"You guys official now?" He asks making me raise my brow. I shake my head though.

"Well he thinks I'm fucking you right now, so I don't think we are even close." I laugh slighty. I thought Drake was going to kiss me, but he got up.

"You can take my private jet home. I'm gonna give him a call, and then I'll drive you over there." I give him a grateful smile and then he leaves. When Drake isn't hitting on me he's actually a nice guy. I walk to the front of the house to see Drake already there.

"You ready?" I ask bringing his attention away from his phone. He nods his head and opens the door for me. "Thank you." I say walking out.

"The papers are finalized, but they want a song soon. Cuz now they want to make you known to the public." Drake says opening the car door for me, I say thank you again.

"Okay. I'll try to talk to Klay in a day and see if I can quickly return after that." I add before he closes the door.

"Kaylee, I want you to know this life isn't easy. Once you make it big you can't leave the house for a daily stroll around the city. People go crazy. This one time a girl broke into my house, luckily I wasn't home, but still." I let what he was saying sink in. I knew it was a crazy life, but modeling just isn't for me.

"I know this life is crazy, I mean the time we were at the airport. It's like people knew your every move." He smiles a little remembering that day I bet. "Honestly Drake, I just wanna make something of myself. Not just wearing these sexy outfits, so perverts can stare at me." He laughs.

"I'm a pervert then?" Drake asks making me laugh but I slap his arm. "Well I know people are gonna love you, because you have an amazing voice and you are beautiful." I blush and play with my thumbs. Soon enough I saw the airport come in view.

"Thank you, Aubrey." I say and he looks up at me smirking.

"Who said you could call me Aubrey?" I knew he was just messing around, because that smirk never left his face.

"I did. I see you as a regular human being, so I'm calling you by your real name." He then just stares into my yes and smiles.

"Then you can call me that, Kaylee." Aubrey finally says.


Hey guys I'm posting a day early because I'm going up North this weekend and there is no Wi-Fi. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Love, Kaylee💞

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