My Decision.

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     I woke up at 8 to make sure I had enough time to get ready. I do my usual and just dress in jeans and a Warriors shirt.

Drake- I'm outside.

Well here we go. I grab my suitcase, and walk down to the door. I already see him standing outside of his black Cadillac escalade. I roll my eyes and open the door.

"Hello Kaylee." He says smirking at me. I just open the car door and crawl in. "Can you be anymore excited?" Drake asks.

"Not really. My boyfriend is pissed at me, and your a cocky son of a bitch." I say honeslty, checking my phone to see if Klay texted me.

"Oh you guys are using labels now, no more fuck buddies." He says. He is really pissing me off right now.

"I would like you much better if you shut your mouth." I say pulling out my headphones.

"Ouch. You really know how to hurt a guys feelings." Drake says placing a hand on his chest. I just ignore him and go to my playlist. "I'd be nicer to the guy who's gonna make you big."

"Drake, I honeslty don't know what your trying to do here. I won't fall for it." I say skipping one of his songs that starts to play.

"Last time you fell for it, so I know you'll crack at some point." He says coming over to sit next to me. I scoot over the the end, but he follows.

"I will punch you in the balls, I'm just giving you a heads up." I say trying to move away from him, it was impossible.

"Last time I remember you couldn't get enough of this dick." He says placing a kiss on my neck. Memories did flash back into my mind. He was right. No don't think about it Kaylee.

"Don't flatter yourself, Drake." He still didn't give up though, he put a hand on my thigh sending electricity through my body.

"Remember that day we explored Toronto, we just couldn't get enough of each other in that museum. I had to find a janitor closet, and I fucked you right there." He whisper in my ear. I do remember that, god he made me feel so good then. Kaylee, you seriously can't be falling for this.

"Please stop." is all I could think of. As a scooted even closer to the wall I felt the wetness in my panties.

"You know I can tell that your a little sexually frustrated by the way your squirming around, you can't hide that from me." You need to stop him now.

"No your just making me really uncomfortable." Out of the corner of my eye I see him smirk. Thankfully we got to the airport and we had to get out, which I quickly did. Then I quickly walk onto the plane.

Iggy💪- Hey girl, I know your probably on a plane with Drake right now, but you really need to call Klay. He's really in a mood right now.

Kay😛- Okay I will. Wish me luck.

Well here goes nothing. I went to the back of the plane and sat down in a random seat. Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring.

"What do you want, Kaylee?" Klay asks answering the phone right away I knew he was drunk.

"Klay, are you seriously drunk right now? Klay, you have a fucking game in 5 hours." I couldn't believe this, he's seriously risking his career right now.

"I can sober up by then, Kaylee. Besides why don't you go have fun with your friend Drake." He says making me feel bad.

"I told you nothing would happen, and nothing is going to happen. Klay, I need you to go and sober up, okay? The plane is about the take off. I'll text you later." I say as Drake walks in.

"Whatever." Then he hangs up. Ugh this guy is giving me a headache.

"Everything okay?" Drake asks coming to seat next to me. I really did not want to deal with him right now, or anyone.

"No Drake, everything is not okay, because you somehow fucked everything up." I say honestly starting to yell a bit. I could tell I surprised drake by my somewhat yelling.

"Kaylee, I'm sorry. I guess you and Klay really are serious, and maybe I got a little bit jealous of that. From now on I'll stop being inappropriate." I couldn't tell if he was being truthful or not. "If you wanna sign with another record label you can."

"To be honest Drake, I do want to sign with OVO Records, but knowing Klay no matter what I do he'll still be mad." I say looking over to him.

"Sounds like he doesn't really trust you." I nod my head in agreement.

"I wouldn't trust me either. I mean I use to be a full on groupie with the Warriors, and whatever guy I found attractive." I like this side of Drake.

"Maybe now with you and I working together you can prove to him that nothing will happen." I nod my head again.

"I don't know, he was drunk when I called him, and he has a game in 5 hours." I could tell Drake was surprised, but didn't say anything.

"Sounds like he has trust issues." Drake comments, I nod my head. "Well do you still want to work with me?" I knew I should say no, so Klay wouldn't worry, but I wanted this.

"Yes. I would love to work with you."

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