Klay Wants To What?

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"Wakey wakey, baby." I hear Klay say nudging me slightly.

"I'm pretty sure it's too early. I'm still sleeping." I reply burying my head in my pillow. Klay's hands then go to my side and starts to tickle. "Klay, stop." I get out laughing hard.

"Are you awake?" Klay asks still tickling my side's. I nod my head and he stops. "Good. Come on I smell breakfast." He says now grabbing my hands pulling me up.

"Your lucky. I don't get up for just anybody." I say still holding one of his hands as we walk downstairs.

"The Two lovebirds finally awake." Mr. Thompson says making me blush.

"Ignore him. Please dig in." Mrs. Thompson says back. I sit down next to Klay as I grab whatever looks good to me. They had pancakes and waffles, and various types of fruit, and finally sausage and bacon.

"Thank you for this delicious breakfast." I say getting up to take the dishes.

"You don't have to do that." Mrs. Thompson says.

"You cooked. I'll do the dishes." I say stacking all the plates. I was walking into the kitchen when I think I hear Mrs. Thompson say,

"You really need to put a ring on that finger." I blush instantly even though no one can see me. I hide behind the wall to try to hear what Klay says which is,

"I'm just waiting for the right time." I almost drop the dishes. Klay wants to marry me? Me? I couldn't believe my ears. I must be hearing things. I can't get married that's like the biggest commitment ever. I could barely handle boyfriend and girlfriend. I can't handle husband and wife. I put the dishes in the sink and start to wash. "Hey Baby." Klay says wrapping his arms around my waist. Man I really can't deal with this right now. Knowing he wants to marry me it's it's just crazy.

"Hello." I say awkwardly still trying to comprehend what I just heard.

"Klay, when did you get here?" I look over and see Klay's other brother. I knew because all 3 look very alike. They hug and Trayce looks over at me.

"Trayce, this is my girlfriend, Kaylee." Klay says wrapping his arm around me.

"Its nice to meet you finally." Trayce says. "Your beautiful, but your dating my brother. I don't get it." I laugh remembering Mychel said the same thing.

"Wow you guys are brothers. Mychel said the same thing." I say still laughing.

"Why is everyone surprised I have a hot girlfriend?" Klay asks making me laugh some more.

"Becasue Bro, have you looked in the mirror?" I couldn't stop laughing. This made me want to have siblings so bad, but I figured there's a reason I don't.

"Come on you two." I say walking back to the dining room. Everyone starts talking again, and I can't get over what Klay said. I never thought about getting married before. Don't lie you had a dream that you were gonna start a family with him. A family? Kids? My entire life I have never wanted kids. Oh my God. He wants kids. I'm not gonna be a good parent. I don't know how to do that parenting stuff.

"Kaylee?" I hear Klay asks taking me out of my thoughts.

"What? Sorry must've zoned out." I say trying to play it cool, but I was still dying inside.

"One of our tradition when the family is together is to go putt putting. Would you like to go?" If we're being completely honest I don't think I've ever been putt putting.

"I would love too." I reply. Everyone then gets up, probably to go and change. I follow Klay back to his room.

"You looked deep in thought. What were you thinking about?" He asks. OH YOU KNOW HOW YOU WANT TO FUCKING MARRY ME.

"Nothing really." I lie picking out some comfy clothes. Only if he knew what I heard. He gave me a skeptical look. I hope he doesn't ask again. In the end he doesn't. Klay and I take his car and everyone else goes into Mrs. and Mr. Thompson car.

"Yea Klay, suck it." Mychel says making me laugh. I never knew they were so competitive.

"Oh my god." I whisper to myself.

"There always like this." Mrs. Thompson says going up for her turn. Just seeing the boys play this was entertaining enough for me. When my turn came up I got a whole in one.

"Oh yea." I say walking away looking at the three brothers who look completly jealous.

"Cough couch when your girl does better then you." Trayce says which was intended for Klay. I laugh a little but come back with,

"Cough cough when your doing better then all three of the Thompson brothers."

"I respect you for that one." Trayce says laughing along with the rest of us. We finish with Mrs. Thompson actually winning. I came in second. Then Trayce in third, he made sure to rub it in. Klay just rolls his eyes.

"I never knew putt putting was a competitive sport." I say when Klay and I got back into the car.

"For us it his." Klay says smiling over at me. "Did you have fun? Cuz I did." I nod my head,

"The best part was seeing the three of you go at it." I reply to his question. Klay grabs my hand as we drive back to the house I assume.

"Yea. My fam really likes you." He says making me blush slightly remembering him saying he wanted to marry me.

"That's good. I was worried." I say more quietly.

"I told you, you had nothing to worry about." He reminds me making me smile a little bit.

"Yes. Yes you did."

This is the 69th chapter

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