Andre Vs. Kaylee.

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     After a little of exploring, well we kinda went everywhere. Portland was actually beautiful and had a lot to do. The Starbucks was good! Ayesha and I didn't even realize though that it was time to go to the game.

KlayBae💙- Hey baby, I got your ticket it's in the hotel room. See you there!

Baby Girl💞- 😑. Okay.

KlayBae💙- We had a deal, baby.

Baby Girl💞- 😝

    "You guys are so cute." Ayesha says looking at my phone. I laugh,

"Not like you and Stephen." I reply. We were on our way to the arena in an uber. All the uber drivers today knew who we were. I didn't care as long as they didn't start to say shit.

      "Where are your seats?" I ask after we got done going through security. Ayesha pulls out her ticket.

"Uh lower level row G seat 5." As she was saying this I was looking down at my ticket. Why does Klay always get me courtside. "Where are you sitting?" She asks me the same question.

"Well Klay just loves me close, because I have courtside. I really have to tell him that I don't want those seats. I like where you sit." I use to like courtside, because I felt so cool. Now that I'm like going to every game and dating one of the players. I don't need these kind of seats anymore.

"Well let's do this. We'll go to my seat and whoever is sitting by me you can switch seats with them. No one can turn down courtside." Ayesha says. Why didn't I think of that.

"You are so smart." I reply, and She laughs. We do exactly that we walk to her seat and I just choose the right side to sit next to her.

"Hi, do you mind if we can switch seats. I have courtside seat 1? Do you want it?" The person I was talking to reaction was hilarious.

"Are you serious?" I nod my head. "Yes please. Oh my God! Take this seat. Thank you so much!" He stands up right away.

"No problem." I say before he walks away. "Well that was easy." I add laughing slightly.

"Told ya." A says, and I roll my eyes. I wish I was like her. She is so smart and beautiful.
      The game was getting set up and Zaza quickly wins the tip. By halftime the Warriors had a small lead, but we at least had a lead. By the fourth the Warriors have a bigger lead, which I'm feeling the sweep coming. THE WARRIORS SWEEP! Ayesha and I wait for the crowd to disappear, so we could go down to the court. When we got down there our boys were waiting for us.

     "So how does it feel?" I ask both of them as Klay hugs me. "Ew. I feel the sweat." I say jokingly.

"Its a great way to start the play offs." Stephen replies to my question. We were all walking back to the locker rooms since they always have a meeting afterwards.

"Do we know who we playing next?" Klay asks.

"Well it's either the Clippers or the Jazz. Clippers are up 3-1." I say remembering that I looked it up before the game. Steph and Klay nod their heads. Ayesha and I let them go as we just wait out on the hall.

"Can I ask a weirdish question?" Ayesha ask. I look at her weird but nod my head.

"Do y'all have something against the Clippers. Klay looked like upset or mad when you said the Clippers." How am I gonna some up this one?

"Its a very long story. Like I can't even summarize it. I promise I'll tell you over dinner or whatever soon." I reply.

"Oh ok." Was the only conversation we had waiting for them to get done.

     "We got the sweep!" Iggy says coming out of the locker room. I laugh and clap my hands.

"You guys should've won by a lot more but a sweep is a sweep." I say giving him a side hug. "You going out to celebrate?" I ask walking with him out to their bus thingy.

"Some guys are. I don't know if I want to though." Andre answers my question.

"Aw. Is Andre getting to old for that." I say in a baby voice. He looks down at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I can still down more shots then you." He bites back, I roll my eyes,

"Is that a challenge?" I ask looking up at him. He looks at me contemplating.

"Yes, yes it is." He replies and I smirk.

"Challenge excepted." Once we got on the bus everyone decided to go out. So the driver took us to one of Portland's best clubs. When we walked in Iggy and I went straight to the bar.

    "Vodka shots. Keep them coming." Oh he's going all out.

"Damn boy, you sure you can handle that? Vodka is strong?" I try and yell over the loud music. He laughs.

"You sound a little scared there, Kaylee. You can drop out if you want." Ha he thinks I'm scared. Now that's funny. Our first round of shots finally came. I pick mine up,

"I ain't scared." I say downing the shot. "You gonna have one, or are you scared?" He rolls his eyes and takes the shots. Shot after shots, but I wouldn't give up until Andre did.

    "What you guys are doing is not safe." Klay says everyone started watching us after like out 10th shot. I don't really remember.

"Klaaayyyy, babyyy, iimm fineee." I was slurring every word. Vodka kicks in fast. I took another one. "Youuu looking a little sick thereee." I say to Andre.

"Nooot at alllll." He slurs back at me taking another one. I do the same keeping up with him. I know have totally forgot how many we have had.

   "Okay guys, we calling it quits." Klay says going to grab me.

"Nah, we good, Nigga." Andre says handing me another one.

"I'm great." I say taking the shot.

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