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"So would you like to move in?"
Holy shit.

     I don't know what to say or what to do. Klay was right this was a huge step into this relationship, but I still don't know what to say. He was right about my apartment is not the biggest, but I still love it. I love his house too.

"Babe, you can say no it won't hurt my feelings." He says making me feel so much better, but I didn't want to do either. I'd feel bad if I said no, but I don't know how I'd feel about saying yes. I mean I'm gonna meet his parents. We have an official title.

"Yes." I say quickly and somewhat quietly. A smirk comes on his face.

"What did you say?" Klay asks knowing damn well what I said. I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around the back of his neck.

"I said yes." I say leaning in to kiss him, which he meets me halfway. He smiles into this kiss wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I think Rocco would like that a lot." Klay says teasingly. I smile and roll my eyes again.

"Are you sure Rocco isn't the only one who would like that?" I ask kissing him again.

"Yes, because I love that idea." That smooth bastard. "Good one. I know." Klay says probably because he could read my expression.

"Are we gonna go or not?" I ask removing my arms from around him. Making him move his arms.

"Let's finish this elsewhere." He whispers in my ear making me smirk to myself. Klay takes my hand in his as we walk back to his car. The car ride was filled with sexual tension. I don't know what it was about tonight, but we could not keep our hands off each other. I was sitting there thinking did I make The right choice of agreeing to move in, and I think I did.

      The next morning I wake up to Klay taking a picture of us cuddling. I was laying on the side of his chest. I smile but hide my face.

"I probably look so ugly right now." I say making sure he put his phone away before I look back up at him.

"Shut up. You always look beautiful." Klay says making me blush. "Goodmorning by the way." He adds.

"When's your next game? Aren't the playoffs coming up?" I ask sitting up stretching. I reach for My phone which was on his bedside table.

"One more game, which I think is home against the Spurs. After that we have a week off, and the playoffs begin." Klay says being noisy while I'm on my phone.

"Don't worry I'm just texting Iggy. So what time we leaving tomorrow?" I ask realizing that tomorrow is Friday.

Kay😜- We good. He just asked me to move in with him.


Kay😜- I said yes... lol

Iggy💪- Wow. I'm so proud of you.😂

Kay😜- Thank you?😂

Iggy💪- Wait we have a problem.😐

Kay😜- What?

Iggy💪- How are we suppose to have our movie nights?

Kay😜- Your right. What should we do?

Iggy💪- Kick Klay out?😂

Kay😜- Sounds good to me.😂😂

Iggy💪- Good.

      "Really I'm gonna be kicked out of my own home?" Klay asks and I laugh. I set my phone down.

"Take one for the team." I reply looking at him. He rolls his eyes and lays back down.

"Lets go get IHop." Klay says out of nowhere. "I haven't gone to the store in awhile, and I do not feel like cooking." He adds making me laugh.

"Okay. Let's go." I say getting out of bed putting my undergarments on. "To go to IHop you have to actually get up." I say grabbing my clothes from a couple days before that I left.

"Ugh. Fine I'm up." Klay says sitting up.

"For a basketball player your lazy as fuck." I say sitting back down to put my shoes back on.

"When its my off day. Yes, I am lazy." Klay admits making me laugh.

"Hey, I'll even drive." I add walking to his side of the bed. I grab his hands, but he pulls me onto his lap. "If you don't want to get up why did you mention IHop?" I ask him.

"Cuz I'm hungry." He says. I laugh slightly and stand up.

"You got 5 minutes or I'm going to eat by myself." I say walking out of his room. Rocco follows me, and I quickly let him out. "Hey look who got up." I say seeing Klay come into the room. 

"I knew you were serious about leaving, so I knew I had to get up." Klay says wrapping his arms around me.

"Your right. Now let's go."

    I've decided instead of worrying about updating in during the week. I'll just do a double update on Saturday. I'm almost done with this book!

Love you guys.💕

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