Fake News.

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       I took a shower once Klay left. I then grab one of his jerseys he wasn't wearing till the next game. I wear a pair of jeans, and I finish off the look with a pair of the black curry lux. I call an uber to take me to the arena. Once I get there I'm bombarded by people asking me questions. I shouldn't of come to the game tonight. I should've of known shit like this was going to happen. The game was about to start, but I needed a minute to myself.

     "Oh I'm so sorry." This random girl says after we ran into each other. I was walking into the bathroom and she was leaving. "Wait. Oh my God. Your Kaylee Vega." She adds making me roll my eyes. Not more of this shit.

"Yes I am. I know I posted a picture of a dick. I shouldn't of. I get it." I say pissed off. I've heard enough of everything.

"I just wanted to say thank you for being an inspiration. Your the only model with a real ass and boobs." She says and I feel terrible.

"I'm so sorry. I've such dealt with a lot of shit. I shouldn't of gone off on you." I reply still feeling terrible. I forget some people are actually nice.

"Its fine. I guess being in the spotlight is really rough." She says and I totally agree.

"You have no idea." I confirm laughing to myself. "What's your name?" I ask.

"Bella." She says and I give her a smile.

"Well Bella, it was great meeting you, and I know this is weird but can I get your number. I can already tell your a pretty cool person, and I need more people in my life like you." I know it was crazy. I realized though I don't have a lot of girl friends.

"That would be awesome." Bella says grabbing her phone out. We then swap numbers. "It was great meeting you." She says.

"You too." I reply.

"Go warriors." She says before walking out of the bathroom. Wow a lot can happen in a bathroom. I use the restroom quickly before I go to my seat.

"Oh look it's Kaylee Vega the slut."
"Can't believe Klay is dating such a slut."
"Klay could do so much better. Like she's literally trash."

    All of that hate was rolling in and I had to pray that I was not gonna go off on them. I did not feel like getting kicked out tonight, so I try to ignore them. I honestly don't know how Ayesha does this. Of course Ayesha can do this because no one hates her.

"Lets go Warriors!" I yell as they set up for tip. Zaza wins and Steph starts out with the ball. They pass around the ball and Draymond pulls up for a three and makes it. "Woo!" By halftime the Warriors lead. I was surprised the other team doing so well because usually when your at home you do better.
The game was over and the Warriors won! 3-0 An amazing start to the playoffs. I was so glad the game was over. I could not take shit anymore.

    "Hey babe." I say walking up to Klay as he finishes an interview. He gives me a smile and leans down for a kiss. "Y'all did amazing." I add.

"Yea it feels pretty good to get a 3-0 start." Klay states as we walk off of the court.

"Yea it's a good way to start off in the playoffs." I say. Klay nods his head an agreement. When we walk back to the locker room Klay goes in and I chill out in the hallway.

Recently on Instagram Kaylee Vega and Drake have been going at it. We all know they use to work together and made one song. They never clarified things, but we were all pretty sure they were dating. Now they are saying snarky remarks. Yet Kaylee goes extreme and posts an acclaim dick picture of Drake. An hour later she says that she went to far and they were just joking around. Vega is now official with Warriors shooting guard, Klay Thompson. Does Kaylee still have feelings for Drake?
What are your guys thoughts on this?


  "No fucking way." I say to myself now pissed off again. Why do they always up a fake news article? Seriously are they that money hungry?

"Ready to go?" Klay asks as he walks out of the locker room changed and ready. I nod my head giving a fake smile. I stand up and start to walk with him. "Are you okay? You seem a little mad." Why does he always have to notice stuff about me.

"There's just so much shit going around. People saying shit. News articles saying shit. I'm just sick and tired of it all." I reply honeslty rubbing my head.

"Now I'm not gonna say I told you so, but I warned you this was going to happen." Klay admits making me roll my eyes,

"Yes Klay, I know you are always right. I should've listened to you. I'm sorry." I feel like I was getting shit from him, but maybe I was just in a mood.

"It'll blow over soon enough." Klay adds and I just nod my head not knowing what else to say.

The Kaylee Vega😮- Hey Bella, it's Kaylee, and I wanted to know if you'd like to grab a drink tonight?

Bella- I would love too. Where would we be going?

The Kaylee Vega😮- At the hotel I'm staying at there's a bar, so you can come to the Hilton now if you'd like.

Bella- Sounds good! Be there soon.

    "Klay, I'm gonna go grab a drink with a friend." I say grabbing my purse.

"Wait. When did you get a friend here? and where are you going?" Of course Klay being the protective boyfriend.

"I met her today. We're staying here okay." I tell him before I walk out. I'm glad Bella could make it because when I'm in a mood I do stupid shit. All I know is I really needed a drink right now.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, it was homecoming and I had a volleyball tournament. Here is an update now! Hope you enjoy!

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