Leaving OVO.

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      I wake up the next morning before Klay wakes up. It's crazy how my life has changed dramatically in one night. I hear something ringing and I realize it's my phone.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself. I quickly get up and find it near my pile of clothes. "Hello." I say not getting a chance to see who it was.

"Kaylee, where the hell are you?" It was Drake and he sounds extremely pissed off.

"I'm sorry I should've texted you, but I'm with Klay." I say shyly knowing this won't go over well.

"That Nigga cheated on you though, and you still go back to him?" He was right, but I didn't care I was happy.

"I know it's crazy, but I'll be at your house soon." I say picking up my clothes.

"Whatever." He says still pissed off. I don't know what his problem is we were just fooling around, nothing serious.

"Babe?" I hear Klay ask. Great I woke him up. Even though I shouldn't of left anyway. I was currently putting on my bra and underwear. Then I quickly walk back in to the room. "Why you getting dressed."

"I totally forgot about Drake and he was wondering where I was. I kinda need to get back there though." I say leaning on the bed and giving him a kiss.

"Why you guys got a meeting or something?" I shake my head. I was putting on my jeans. "Then why you need to leave?"

"Today we were gonna right an album collab like he did with Future." I say putting my top on. Klay was getting up and putting his boxers back on.

"What time with this be over?" He ask stopping what I was doing as he wraps his arms around me.

"I don't know. Whenever we want I guess, and don't even get started with getting jealous." I say looking up at him.

"How can I not? I don't know what you guys were doing when we weren't together." He had a good point there.

"You want me to leave OVO Records then just say it." I pull away from his grip crossing my arms on my chest. Klay sighs.

"I do and don't at the same time okay. I know you guys had to be fucking and maybe he might have feels for you, but you're an amazing singer." He was right, and I sadly knew it. There was nothing I could say or do.

"Your right. I'll talk to him, but this will be hard. I did just join." I say honeslty setting my head on his chest.

"I know you did baby, but I'll put my trust in you if you stay with OVO." I smile to myself, still finding myself lucky to have him.

"You gonna be here, cuz I gotta go." I say pulling away from him, he nods his head. "Okay see you later." I quickly kiss him and head for the door. I call an uber, and drive to Drake's mansion.

"Kaylee, I thought you knew what we were doing today. We had this planned awhile now." Drake says opening the door. He was still pissed off at me.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time. I'm here now, so let's begin." I hear him sigh and close the door. " Don't sigh at me, I don't need to be with you every second of everyday." I say turning around.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were serious about this." He bites back, I want to laugh, but I don't.

"I am. Don't be getting pissed off because you know this ain't yours no more." I say motioning to my body. Drake didn't know what to say I could tell, because I was right.

"Whatever. It won't last, it will just be like last time. Where you come crawling back to me." Okay he had a point there, but he was wrong this time.

"Yea okay." I then turn around and head for the studio. I didn't know how this would work out, because obviously he was gonna try and get with me again. Maybe Klay was right, it would be best if I was just a one hit wonder.

"Okay, so you guys can just write about whatever and keep what you like, and I'll make a beat to it." Noah says. I just nod my head, and see Drake giving me a dirty look. Noah leaves.

"Is it always gonna be like this?" I ask setting my notebook and pen on the side of me. He looks up because he was already writing.

"You know I'm gonna be honest with you for a minute. I like you and I know you don't like Niggas often, but Klay though? He fucking cheated on you." I knew he was going to continue, but I stop him.

"Don't say that kinda shit, I know you be fucking other hoes on the side. Don't act like I'm your number one bitch, cuz I know I ain't." I yell back, because I ain't taking that shit.

"Kaylee, I haven't fucked a girl since you and Klay were off, so that basically the first time I met you." I laugh.

"Fuck this Drake, I'm done with OVO Records. Never talk to me again you fake Nigga." I know I'm Mexican, but I said it. Then I walk out.

Kaylee💖- You still at the hotel? I'm done with Drake and OVO.

Klay💙- Yea babe, you okay? See you soon?

Kaylee💖- Drake just fucking dumb, but yea I'm good.

      "Kay, you good?" Klay could barely make out the sentence before I crash my lips on his. Drake had me fucking pissed thinking I wasn't serious with Klay. I don't say I love you to a lot of people, so I am serious and committed to Klay. I want Klay now, so I decided to have him.

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