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        "Klay, I swear you are the clingiest guy I know." I say to Klay, laughing into the phone. "Isn't the girl suppose to be clingy?" He called me before he had to go to the Spurs arena.

"I'm sorry if your body is addicting and I need it, but I'm not clingy by the way." Klay answer back. I roll my eyes knowing Klay didn't see that. "If you rolled your eyes your mean." I burst out laughing.

"You know me to well." I finally make out, he let's out a small chuckle.

"Your right about that, baby." I smile to myself. Damn Kaylee you whipped as fuck right now. "Babe, I got to go, but text you later, okay?" He says, I frown.

"Sure. Bye." I  hang up the phone still smiling. I need to stop, maybe I'm actually the clingy one. Whatever he's crazy, so am I. "What do you wanna do today, Rocco?" I ask squatting down to pet him.

Kaylee🍉- Hey girl, wanna hang out today?

Ayesha🍽- Sure girl. You missing Klay?

Kaylee🍉- Damn I'm that obvious?

Ayesha🍽- Yea. The first time Stephen left this long it was weird and boring. I know how you feel girl.

Kaylee🍉- So I'm not acting clingy?

Ayesha🍽- Nope.

Kaylee🍉- Good. So wanna go shopping?

Ayesha🍽- Sure. Meet you at the mall around 2?

Kaylee🍉-Perfect! See you then.

      It was noon, so I quickly got into the shower. I get dressed and drive off to the mall. I walk into the entrance to see Ayesha on her phone.

"Hey Ayesha." I say walking towards her. She looks up from her phone and gives me a smile.

"Hey Kaylee, how are you?" She asks hugging me, which took me by surprise. I do hug her back though. I need to get use to hugs from other people.

"Pretty good. Yourself?" I ask her as we begin to walk into the store.

"Been well. Been working a lot though, so I'm glad you texted me. I just need a break." Ayesha says looking at clothes.

"You're making a show about your cooking right?" I ask making sure, because I saw something on Instagram.

Klay💙- Image of him shirtless after warm ups- Your welcome😏

"Yes I am, and doing book tours, and having the kids." I put my phone away trying to get out of my head that very sexy image Klay sent me.

"Well if your babysitter doesn't work out, or you just need someone. Call me anytime." I reply picking up this under armour shirt.

"I might just take you up on that." She responds. "I like that shirt." Ayesha adds nodding her head toward the one in my hand.

"Yea, I think I'll get it." I respond finding my size. I also grab the matching shorts that go along with it. We basically go into all the other stores, grabbing Starbucks, and a bite to eat. After 3 hours later we go our separate ways, because Ayesha had to return home.

Baby Girl💞- You seriously can't send your sexy body anytime you want to.

Klay💙- Why not?😏

Baby Girl💞- I was out shopping with Ayesha and seeing that randomly is not okay.

Klay💙- My bad baby. When did you and Ayesha become friends?

Baby Girl💞- I don't know, it just kinda happened. I was bored so we hung out. Don't you have a game soon?

Klay💙- Yes we're all sitting in the locker room getting into our zone.

Baby Girl💞- Then you shouldn't be texting me. Go do your job.😂

Klay💙- Nope. I'm really focused right now.

Baby Girl💞- On the game or me?

Klay💙- Both. You gonna watch it tonight?

Baby Girl💞- Yes. Me and Rocco will be cheering for #11.

Klay💙- I'll win this one for you, babe.

Baby Girl💞- Good luck, babe!

Klay💙- I love you.💓

Baby Girl💞- I love you too.💙💛

    I was on Klay's couch with one of his jersey's on, and Rocco right besides me. I knew my man would do great as I see them run onto the court. I was wrong he does look really focused. I'm glad I'm not his distraction. The game started and everyone was really focused, they were totally killing the Spurs.

"That's my baby." I say to myself as Klay makes another three. The rest of the game went smoothly, well not for the Spurs, but the Warriors yes.

Baby Girl💞- Totally killed it, baby. -Image of me in his jersey- All because I wore this.

Klay💙- Can you come to the game tomorrow? It's in LA, if you forgot.

Baby Girl💞- I'll try and make it. No promises though. I have another shoot to get ready for. I don't know how long it will take.

Klay💙- If you can't I understand. Have an interview text ya soon!

     I take Rocco out one more time before I head to bed. I need to try and start going to bed earlier, but that's not gonna happen.

Baby Girl💞- Really tired sorry. Goodnight.

Klay Thompson POV
      "Klay, you did amazing tonight 45 points. What got you in the zone tonight?" The first interviewer asks me.

"If we're being completely honest right now. I was texting my girlfriend before the game, and she was watching the game. So I wanted to play good for her."

"Why didn't she come, if you play better with her watching?" Wow they really want details.

"She had a photoshoot." I reply quickly looking around for other questions, which there was. It's just wierd talking about Kaylee, because I know they're going to make up a story. Whatever soon enough I'll see my baby.

This chapter is for my friend ivettegreen thank you for spamming me with votes!

Love you💞

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