New Kaylee, Who this?

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Klay Thompson POV
I finally decided I would go to Canada. There was time for me to go for a day or two. Apparently she was going to do an interview somewhere, and I figured I could sneak in there. I'm Klay Thompson, I'll just lie and say I'm doing a sports interview.

"This is really dumb, dude." Andre says with Stephen agreeing with him. It was the last practice for 3 days and I told them what I was gonna do.

"Don't you think it'll make it worse when she see's you?" Steph adds packing his bag. I was ready to leave but I was waiting for them.

"I have to at least try." I say they gave me that look where they knew this wouldn't end well. I didn't care I was going to try. "Whatever I'm going now."

"Good luck, man." Iggy says before I walk out the door. wow they really don't have faith in me. Well I guess I am the one you fucked all this up. My flight was in the morning, so when I got home I packed a small bag. I just hope Kaylee will let me talk to her.

Kaylee's POV
Our song was a total hit, everyone loved it. Tomorrow was my first interview with Drake and well I was nervous, but we went through the basic questions they would ask. So I could be somewhat prepared.

"Kay, come on! Time to go." I hear Drake yell. I grab my purse and walk to the front door. "You nervous?" He ask opening the door for me.

"Not really, but I think when I get there I will be." I say opening the car door before Drake could, he gave me a look but I shook it off.

"You'll do great." Finally we arrive at the radio station and I was right, I'm totally freaking out right now. I'm not use to any of this.

"I'm gonna use the restroom real quick." I say seeing the restroom sign. We already checked out where we would do the interview, so I wouldn't get lost. I finish up and walk out.

"Kaylee?" I stop dead in my tracks. I knew that voice by heart. It was Klay, but I don't know how he could've known I was going to be here. I decide to turn around and it is him.

"W- What are you doing here?" I ask trying to keep it professional. Inside though I was totally freaking out. There were so many mixed emotions hate, lust, sadness, and hurt. He looks freaking good, but I can't be this dumb.

"I've been going crazy without you, Kaylee. I know I fucked up big time, but you don't know how sorry I am. Especially when I said I love you, I was wrong to say that. I do love you though, Kaylee, but I said it at the wrong time." The words flooding out of his mouth were about to flow down my eyes. I think he saw that and quickly walks over to hug me. I'm completely stunned, I couldn't even move. "Can you say something?" He asks removing himself from me. He fucking cheated on you, you can't honeslty crawl back to him. Where's the old Kaylee? She would've already slapped him. Come on tell him to fuck off and walk away. I can't though. The look in his eyes, he is truly sorry.

"Klay, I I don't know what to say. You can't just randomly come here and say that you love me. This is too much for me right now. I have a interview to do." I say starting to back away.

"Okay. I understand, but can we talk? I'm staying at the Hilton. My room is 337. Can you please just stop by?" I nod my head slowly. A smile appears on his lips for a second. "Thank you, Kay." I give him a fake smile and walk to the room where the interview would talk place.

"So Kaylee, you wrote this song, what's the meaning behind it?" Josh the interviewer asks.

"Well I'm trying to prove to some people that I made it without their help. That I didn't need their help." The beginning was about showing to my parents I can be my own person, make my own destiny. I tried to pay attention to the rest of the interview, but I couldn't. Klay always popped up into my mind. What would happen when I went to his hotel? Why can't I just tell him to fuck off? It's like as soon as I saw him my heart leaped out of my chest. My walls came tumbling down for the first time. He did something to me, and I don't know if I can come back from that.

"Well thank you guys for stopping by. Here's Moment for Life!" I realize the interview was over and I don't remember anything. I give a smile and get up.

"You okay? You were day dreaming back there." Drake says as we walk out of the room.

"Sorry a lot on my mind. You mind if I go somewhere, I'll be back soon." I say quickly walking to the elevator. I get in and close the doors before Drake could enter. The old Kaylee wouldn't of thought twice of going to see Klay, but for some reason I am.

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