I'm Not Running Away.

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    The rest of the weekend went great. Getting to know the family was great. I wish my family was like that.... Finally we were home well you know Klay's house. Soon enough turning into my house. No wonder he wants me to move in. He wants me to fucking marry him. I can't do that. I don't know how I'm gonna get out of this one.

Group Message: Hello girls, I just got an email from Paris and they want more models for the fashion show. Whoever wants to go just call me.

Wow this works out perfectly.

Kaylee Vega: I would love to go to Paris.

Manager: Perfect. I'll set everything up.

     "Kay, I have practice tomorrow, but on Tuesday you wanna do anything?" Klay asks walking into the living room.

"I have to go to the modeling show in Paris." I say trying to sound sad but really I was glad. I needed to figure out if I really want to marry him, or tell him what I heard.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks sitting down next to me.

"My manager just called me and asked if I was available. Paris just asked so I said yes." I reply making it sound like I was telling the truth.

"Oh." Was all Klay said and we just sat there awkwardly. "Did something happen?" He asks abruptly.

"What you mean?" I ask, hoping he won't figure it out.

"Did I do something wrong? Or did my family say something, because they like you." Shit shit shit what am I suppose to say now?

"Nothing happened." I try to say calmly.

"Your lying. When you lie you try to keep what you say short." How the fuck this dude know this. Fuck. "Can you just tell me." No I really can't.

"You know what, I should really get to packing." I say standing up.

"Yep. There is something, because you run away from problems." Klay really needs to stop knowing everything about me. I can't get out of this one. Just kill me now.

"I heard your Mom say 'you should put a ring on it' and then you said 'I'm waiting for the right time' I just got use to doing the boyfriend and girlfriend thing. I can't do the husband and wife thing." I say then realizing I really fucked up.

"Kay-." I quickly stop Klay putting my hand up.

"I'm just gonna go." I say queitly walking towards the door. I then remember we took his car, so I quickly get an uber. Once I get home I lay in my bed and think about life.

Kay😜- 911.

Iggy💪- On my way.

    "What's wrong?" Andre asks as he walks into my apartment.

"Klay wants to marry me, and I don't know if I want to." I say as Andre sits next to me. "I also told him that I just got use to the girlfriend and boyfriend thing I can't do the husband and wife thing."

"What did you think would happen? You just thought you would staying bf and gf forever?" Iggy says making me sound really dumb. 

"I didn't know this early in the relationship. I mean we've only been going at it for what 2 years? Fuck I don't even know that. See I'm not cut out for this." I bury my head in my pillow.

"Kaylee, honey, Klay loves you, and you love Klay. What's wrong with getting married to him?" Oh I don't know. Oh wait the huge fucking commitment that comes with it.

"I don't do commitment, Andre. You know that." He nods his head.

"I do know that, but you changed. You are in a committed relationship right now. Getting married would just be a little more." I really want to know how Andre is so wise.

"I'm going to Paris. I don't know how long I'll be there. It's for a fashion show. Maybe this will be good." I look over at Andre and he gives me the look.

"I'm not running away I'm just doing my job." I say knowing that's what he was thinking.

"Kaylee, they don't send you on foreign trips. You are running away." Andre says. I hate when he's right.

"I just need time to think." I reply honeslty. I really did need time to think, because if I couldn't do marriage. I might just have to call it quits.

"Kaylee, don't run away because of this." Was the last thing Andre says to me before he leaves. I was going to Paris for my job and to clear my head. I start to pack and once I'm done I fall asleep.

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