I Can Handle This.

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        I got up, I dress in one of the jersey Klay gave me, make myself look decent, and grab my stuff. I head down to my car, and just give myself a second. I knew I'd be early, because the players had to be there extra early.

Kaylee🙂- Hi ayesha, I know we don't talk much, but before the game can we meet at Starbucks?

Ayesha🍽- Of course! See you there in 10.

Kaylee🙂- Awesome!

    Ayesha is a pretty cool girl, and I need a girl friend that's not Andre. I love Iggy don't get me wrong, but sometimes you need a girl. I drive to Starbucks to see she's already there. I walk in and see her at one of the tables in the back.

"Hello." I say sitting down opposite of her.

"Hey Kaylee, how are you?" Ayesha asks, I give her a smile. I actually did have a question to ask her, but I was nervous.

"I'm good yourself?" I ask her. She says good as Well. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Ayesha gives me the look that I can continue. "How did you handle coming out with Stephen?" A smile grows on her face.

"Oh my Gosh you guys are official?!" I laugh at how happy she was about this.

"You haven't seen the articles?" I ask. I thought everyone in America has seen those, but she shakes her head.

"I don't usual follow any of those. Stephen keeps me updated on what's happening in the NBA, so that way I know what's true or not." Smart.

"What about people in general, like on your social media?" All of the hate comments were on there, I turned my phone off after I texted Ayesha.

"You just have to get use to that. Yes it hurts, but people have nothing better to do. They think they're so cool saying crappy stuff, but they're not." I still don't know how she's completely chill with all of this.

"Crazy." I whisper, but she hears me.

"It will be, but you'll get through it." Ayesha says confidently, but I'm still iffy. "So you and Klay are official lovebirds?" I blush and nod my head. "Ooh girl."

"I know. Thank you so much though. We need to hang out more." I say looking at my phone, which I turned on to see it's an hour before game time.

"I'd like that a lot." She says giving me a smile.

"We should probably get going." I say nodding my head, she does the same. "See you there." I add as we walk to our cars. I drive to the arena and go back to where the players park, because Klay gave me a pass of some sort. By the time I get to my seat they were being announced. "Go Warriors!" I yell as they get ready for tip off.

"Is that Kaylee Vega, Klay's girlfriend? She's ugly." I hear someone say behind me. Be Ayesha, just ignore them. The game starts and those people are still going at it, annoying the crap out of me. It was half time and now they were saying stuff louder. I had to leave, so I grab my stuff and walk out. I know Klay will be mad, but it's better then getting kicked out. I get home not knowing what to do.

Ayesha🍽- Where did you go? The games back on.

Kaylee🙂- People behind me kept saying shit and I couldn't take it anymore.

Ayesha🍽- Kaylee, your just gonna have to get use to that, but I understand.

    I know I have to get use to it, but it's not that simple. I try and forget about it by watching Netflix. Soon enough though Klay was banging on my door.

"What do you want?" I complain opening the door. The episode I was watching was getting interesting.

"So you come to the game and then leave halfway through?" Klay is pissed and he's slamming the door.

"I'm sorry! People behind me were giving me shit, and I couldn't take it. I'm sorry I'm not you who's so use to it." I snap back. I know Klay takes shit all the time, and doesn't say anything. I can't do that.

"You don't think it gets to me? People have brought my family into this saying they ain't shit, and I can't do anything. If I do I'll get in even more bad rep. I know this will be hard, but Kaylee, your shutting me out again." He was right, I'm weak. When something bad happens I always run.

"Your right Klay, your always fucking right. Maybe I'm not cut out for this. I can't even handle this. What I'm I suppose to do when it gets worse? I can't handle this." I reply to him honeslty, he needs a girlfriend who craves this attention.

"Kaylee, your the strongest person I know. You've been through it all. Just because there's some dumbass teenagers who think bringing people down is fun. Don't let them win, because if they do they'll say even more crap." He walks closer to me.

"I really don't like you sometimes." I say grabbing the back of his neck pulling his face towards mine. "Yet I still love you." I add kissing him. I don't know why I'm always drawn to him, but I can't help it. He actually took time to see me for me.

"I love you too, Kaylee Pearl Vega." Klay says before quickly picking me up.

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