Ooh Something Bad.

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      Today we fly into Portland. I'm glad because I really needed to get my mind of Drake who was still throwing shots at me. Even though Klay said ignore it. I can't. It's just like with the fans of Klay Thompson saying shit about me. I can't handle it.

  "Babe, you ready?" Klay asks walking into his room where I still was. I nod my head. I was looking down at what Drake had said. I turn my phone off and get up.

"Yep." I say faking a smile. You ever get in one of those moods where you don't want to talk to anyone? Yea I'm in that mood right now.

"I told you to ignore what Drake says." Klay reminds me, but I roll my eyes. "Seriously Kaylee, you and I both know Drake ain't shit. So why are you wasting your time on him?" He adds.

"I don't know because he's making me sound like a total slut and making him sound like he's all that when he ain't." I reply walking to his car.

"Give me your phone." Klay demands making me look at him like he's crazy.

"Why the fuck you want my phone?" I ask getting into his truck.

"So you won't bite back at Drake. I'll give you your phone if it's work, but you will not fight with Drake anymore." I roll my eyes.

"I ain't giving you my phone." I confirm, he starts the car.

"Seriously you just need a break from all this shit okay. Just give me your phone." I'm not going without my phone for 4 days.

"If only you give yours to Andre. I ain't going without a phone by myself." I state making sure he knows I'm serious.

"Deal." Klay says holding out his hand for me to shake. What? I thought he'd say no. Fuck. I shake his hand. "Good. Let's go" He then drives off. Ugh why did I agree to that?

    "Andre, can you please just let me see your phone? I need to make sure I'm not gonna lose my streaks." I was lying but I really wanted to get into Instagram. Klay gave mine and his to Andre.

"Kaylee, I know why you really want your phone. Klay was right this is a good idea." I groan.

"Seriously? Your my best friend not Klay's." Iggy laughs.

"Babe, it has nothing to do with that. You need to stop going back and forth with that douche because it's going to end badly." Andre says.

"Yea it will. With him being exposed to the whole world." I whisper remembering what I wanted to do. Andre hears though and gives me a weird look. Klay then comes back from the restroom and I say no more. 

     We finally get to Portland and go to the hotel. Klay went to warm up and stuff. I was sitting doing literally nothing it's boring as fuck. I didn't know how much I'm actually on my phone.

Klay Thompson POV

    "When you were in the restroom on the plane Kaylee was asking for her phone, and I of course said no. Before you came back she said something about exposing Drake. Do you know what she going to do?" Andre asks me ad we were just shooting around. I shake my head,

"No. I just know that they keep going back and forth. What do you think she's going to do?" I ask passing him a ball.

"Knowing Kaylee something bad, awful. To many words for it." Great. What if it back fires on her? I need to make sure she don't do shit. Even though Drake deserves it. I don't want it to come back to her.

"Well I guess we just gotta keep an eye on her." I comment pulling up for a three. Out of the corner of my eye I see Andre nod his head.

Kaylee Vega POV

     After and hour or however long Klay finally came back. He was sweaty and he was going to take a shower. I know then Iggy was probably showering. Our rooms where connected so I picked the lock and went into his. I then start to look around for my phone.

    "Kaylee, why are you in my room." Andre asks coming Out to the bathroom with only a towel around his waiste. I know this is wierd but holy shit he's fit as fuck. Like damn. Okay I gotta stop now, but I didn't know Andre was this fit. "You looking for this?" He asks holding up my phone.

"I just need to check something okay." I walk over to him, but he holds it up in the air. Him being 6'6 I couldn't reach it. "You are seriously not doing that right now? Let me see it for one second." I ask again reaching up for it.

"Can't let that happen, Kay." I roll my eyes and go to plan B. I start to tickle his side making him crunch down. I grab my phone and run out of his room into the hallway. "You are seriously not doing this."

"Klay is also in the shower so you can either come out here in just a towel or let me keep my phone." I say walking a little bit farther away from the door.

"Your gonna regret whatever you do. I know you Kaylee, your probably gonna do some bad shit." Andre comments. I need to end all of this beef.

"No I really don't think I will. Bye, Andre." I finish saying as I walk down to the elevator. I was gonna go into the girls bathroom down there, since I know they can't go in and get me. Now I turn my phone on and wait. You guys wanna know what I plan to do.

I'm going to leak Drake's nudes.

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