Something's Wrong.

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         I woke up feeling the same way I did when I feel asleep. What is wrong with me right now? I didn't have to go in for work today which was nice. I decided not to eat, because I just wasn't hungry. I did want to go on a run though, so that's what I did. I put on some nike shorts, a Jordan tank top, my fitbit, and my Nike running shoes. I didn't know where I would run, but all I knew is it had to be near the beach. The salty air always makes me calm down and think about life. That's why I like to run it gets my mind off things.

          Two hours later maybe I returned to my apartment. I quickly strip and take a shower. I dress in semi casual clothes, I didn't plan on going anywhere. Someone always has to ruin my mood. My doorbell is buzzing and I didn't know who would show up.

"Who is it?" I ask into the intercom.

"Baby, it's Klay." I roll my eyes and groan. I just want to be alone right now. I finally let him in and soon enough he was at my door. "I brought you some soup because soup always helped me when I was sick." I couldn't help but smile at how he thought about me.

"Aw thanks babe, come in." He leans in for a kiss but I pull away. "Sick remember." I had to play the part. "You didn't have to stop by, I don't want to get you sick." I say opening up my soup. It was chicken noodle and it was really really good.

"Of course I had to come by. To make sure my baby was okay." He says leaning in to hug me. I set my soup down and hugged him back. It felt good. We sit and chit chat as I finish my soup.

"Do you have practice today?" I ask because I really wanted him to stay here with me.

"Already had it baby girl." He says and I smile. "Why?" He asks.

"Cuz I really feel like cuddling right now and watching netflix." I say honestly hoping he'd be down to do it.

"Sound like a plan to be baby, but under one condition." I look at him confused because I didn't know what he'd want. "You'll let me kiss you. I don't care if I get sick." I knew I was lying, but I really didn't care at that moment. I lean in for a kiss and I didn't realize how much I actually missed him. The kiss is getting heated pretty quickly. I push him down slightly so he'd be laying on the couch. I couldn't help myself and I started grinding my hips on his area. Soon enough I was taking my shorts off, and well let's just say we were Netflix and chilling.

"Wow that was a good episode." I say after the credits rolls for The Originals. I wanted to watch it, but if you ask me Klay wanted to watch it more. We then watched episode after episode until we were both tired.

"Babe, we should get some sleep." Klay says kissing the top of my head. I wanted to watch another episode, but he was probably right.

"Fine. Can you get the light?" I ask not wanting to move. I was currently laying on his chest and one of his arms were free, but mine were wrapped around him.

"Only for a goodnight kiss." He says leaning in to kiss me, which I gladly oblige on. I think we both quickly fell asleep in each other's arms. It was really nice that he came by, and I'm glad he stayed.

         I wake up cold the next morning, and I didn't know where Klay was. I sat up and I look around the room, his clothes were still there. I got out of bed, grabs his shirt, and I find him in the kitchen.

"Morning babe." I say walking up to him and hugging him. He then lifts my face up with his fingers for me to kiss him.

"Goodmorning." Klay says in is sexy morning voice that I love. We just stare at each other until I finally say,

"What are you making?" He finally looks away from me and continues what he was doing before.

"I thought it would make you feel better. I made you a cup of tea, toast, eggs, and a bowl of fruit." I couldn't help but smile at how amazing he actually is. I sit down and slowly eat it, because I still wasn't really hungry. I don't know what's come over me but I know it's not good.

      I was cuddled up with Blake. It was our 4 month anniversary, and well we had a little fun. I couldn't help but smile by how happy I was.

     A few weeks later
  "Crystal, we have a huge problem." I say panicking. I told her to come over it was an emergency.

"What's wrong boo?" She asks sitting down on my bed. I didn't even know how to say it I was terrified.

"I missed my period." That's all I could get out, I was two days late. I've never been late before. Her face went to shocked.

"Well we need to get you a pregnancy test." She says quickly panicking with me. I was walking back and forth trying to get out the even bigger news.

"I took one and I'm I'm pregnant." I say crying. I knew she was in shock when she just stood still and didn't hold me. "I i don't know what to do, I can't be pregnant. My parents would kill me." I say crying some more. Finally Crystal fell to the floor with me.

"What are you gonna do Kay? You could tell you parents that after birth you'll give it up for adoption." She says, but I knew they wouldn't agree with that.

"I need to get an obortion."




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