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         I finally made it back home. Luckily my car was still at the Staples center, so I got an Uber to drop me off there. I haven't talked to Klay, which is good, but I haven't heard from Iggy either. I figured I screwed up everything like I always do. I couldn't do any photoshoot, since my face was still black and blue. My life was pretty boring now. I was on my bed watching TV, when there was a knock on my door. I was confused, because no one could come up without ringing a buzzer.

"Who is it?" I yell, so the person outside the door could hear me.

"Kaylee, it's Blake." My heart stops. How the hell did he find me? How did he even know where I live? "Please open the door, so we can talk." I couldn't run there was nowhere to go. "Or I'll kick the door down, you know I can." I slowly open the door, and there he was. His face was beat up bad.

"How did you find me?" I ask still holding the door, so I could close It at anytime.

"Please let me in." Why do I still get this tingling feeling, I felt the need to open the door. I did. "Thank you." I nod my head, I walk to the living room, and sat down.

"So how did you find out where I live?" I ask him again, I couldn't even look at him.

"I knew you had to come back and get your car, so when you did I followed you all the way back to Oakland." Blake says studying my face. "Kay, you don't understand how sorry I am for hitting you, when I realized what I've done. I just stopped I let Iguodala beat me up, I was in total shock." I think he was waiting for me to say something, but I kept my mouth shut. "Why did you leave?" The question that makes me want to jump out of with window.

"Blake, why are you really here? Aren't you happy with Crystal why do you have to ruin my life again and again. You don't understand how much that hurt me, seeing the two of you. You punching me I understand was a complete accident, but that doesn't mean it was right. I have my own reasons to why I left." 

"I've missed you so much Kaylee. Look me and crystal were both hurt very much, after you went off the grid."

"That still gives you no right to Fuck her. I wouldn't of cared about any other girl, but her really?" I cut him off. He then made a bold move, and came to sit next to me. Blake grabs my hand, and won't let me pull away.

"Kaylee, I still love you. We were drunk, and not thinking clearly. Then it kinda just stuck." Blake says and then he did the unexpected, he kisses me. My body automatically kisses him back, but then I remember what happened. I pushed him away,

"Blake, this is so wrong, and you need to leave right now." I say standing up backing away from him.

"You really like that Thompson Nigga don't ya?" Blake asks standing up, but looking really hurt. I nod my head.

"Blake, I just can't ever see myself going back to LA, especially with you. I'm sorry, but I'm really happy here."

"Once I saw you two, I knew I'd lost my chance. You look at him like you use to look at me, and I'm glad your happy again. Can I just hug you one more time?" Blake asks, I nod my head.

"For old time sake." I say opening my arms and hugging him. If I said it didn't feel good, I'd be lying.

"Goodbye Kaylee." He says before leaving.

"Goodbye Blake." I say smiling back at him. I was actually feeling really good, I'm glad me and him are on the same place. I was happy. Then there was another knock on the door.

"What the hell was Blake doing here?" Klay yells as I open the door. He just barges in without consent.

"He wanted to make amends, don't worry Klay." I say, but he was still fuming.

"Did you seriously make amends with him? Kaylee, he broke your heart, and now your friends with him? Unbelievable." I walk up to Klay and I  grab his hands. I don't know what I was doing, but it felt right. His face was still beat up pretty bad.

"Klay, it's okay. I would never run back to him, because I like someone else and he knows that." I feel Klay relax and he smiles at me.

"Good, because your mine." Then he kisses me hard, and well it ends up yet really heated again and again.

           "Really Klay, you left two big hickey's on my neck." I yell, because I was in the bathroom, and Klay was still in bed.

"Just in case any guy think he can get with you." Wait does he think we're together now? Ah shit. "Come back to bed." Klay says. I roll my eyes, and walk back to him.

"Your so needy." I say crawling back in bed. He just laughs and kisses my neck. "Klay, I have something to ask you."

"Hit me babe, what's wrong?" Klay says leaning against one of his arms looking at me. I didn't even know how to ask it.

"Klay, you keep calling me yours, and I don't really know how I feel about that. You haven't even said anything about us being official, or-." I was cut off.

"Kay, you've know this from the beginning, I've always wanted a relationship with you. I understand your situation though." He says reaching for my hand.

"I don't really know how to do this thing-."

"I understand, and that's fine. If you really want to try this one hundred percent, I don't care." Klay says, making me smile. I kiss him. How is he so perfect.

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