Our First Loss.

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       "You better sweep the Cavaliers tonight. I am so pumped. I mean y'all are three and 0. Like come on, just one more game." I was rambling about the game tonight. I'm nervous, but they have been playing so well and have not lost a game yet. The game was hours away, but I was still nervous.

"Well we're gonna try our hardest. The Cavs will bring everything and their mother so they don't get swept, but I think we might win this." Klay replies, and I nod my head in agreement with him.

"I'm just saying you guys had a day off to refill your energy and now you guys should be ready. Even though I would like to go home and win, winning at the Cavs home will be okay too." I state, picking out what jersey of Klay's I want to wear tonight.

"Wear the blue one. You look sexy as hell in that one." Klay states, and I nod my head, blushing at him statement.

"The blue one it is then." I confirm, picking it up to bring over to my other outfit pieces.

"Babe, I'm gonna go do something real quick." Klay says before he quickly walks out the door. Weird but okay.

Klay Thompson POV

     "If we win tonight you know what I'm gonna do right." I say to Andre, Steph, and Kevin.

"I still can't believe you doing this, man." Stephen says, and I laugh.

"I'm a clichè." I state, and we all laugh.

"We better win tonight that would be even better." Kevin says, "I can just taste the victory."

"Well let's win so all of us can be happy." Andre buds in and we three nod our heads in agreement.

Kaylee Vega POV

     "Where did you go?" I ask Klay once he closes the hotel room door. He looks at me like he did something wrong, and I raise my eyebrow.

"Went to hang out with Andre." He states, and I knew right away he was lying.

"Now Klay, you goin tell my the truth or I'm gonna go to Andre." I state, crossing my arms infront of my chest.

"Fine. Andre, Stephen, and I are trying to help Kevin get this one girl who won't fuck with him." Fuckboy. I still wasn't confident about this answer but it made sense. Everyone knew Kevin is a player, so I know nobody wants to mess with him.

"Now why couldn't you tell me that in the first place?" I ask him, trying to see if he was actually telling the truth.

"He didn't want to ruin his reputation or ego." Klay says, and I laugh. Fucking Kevin man he's hilarious. I was still iffy but I let it go and I also go back to what I was doing.

     "Babe, it's time to go, you ready?" Klay yells, he was probably right by the door ready to leave. Him and I were both nervous. Today could be the end of basketball season, or they could have their first lost.

"Yep!" I yell back, looking at myself one more time in the mirror before grabbing my purse and walking to the door.

"You look great, baby girl." Klay tells me as he wraps one of his arms around me and we walk out the door.

"Thanks, babe." I put forth. We get into the bus with everyone and Ayesha as we go to the Cavaliers arena. You could honestly feel the nervousness in the air. I knew everyone wanted to sweep the Cavs.

     "Baby, you got this. Believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything. I love you so much! Good luck!" We were in the tunnel before they run out, but I stayed down so I could give him this speech.

"I love you too, baby." Klay declares and he kisses me one more time. Klay then walks towards the other team members and I look at him and I'm just so proud of all of them. I go to my seat and try to calm my nerves as the Warriors finally run out.

"WOOOO!" I yell as I see my man. As the game went on Ayesha and I basically clung onto each other. The game went back and forth. I didn't know if we could get a good enough lead so my heart would not leap out of my chest. It was finally the forth quarter and everyone was in their feet seeing who could pull off this game. I swear my heart was in my throat when there were two minutes left in the game. The Cavs fucking won and every Cavs fans cockiness was rubbed in my face.

"Aww did Kaylee not give Klay what he wanted today?"

"Are you gonna go fuck Kevin love now?"

   I was trying my hardest to not snap back at everyone who was talking shit basically to my face. Ayesha pushes me down the stairs so we could go comfort our boys. I may or may not have shed a tear because we lost. We were doing so good! I can not believe we lost. I then hear a loud boom.

   "Klay, calm down man." I then hear Stephen say, and I walk quickly to where I heard the noise and Stephen. I look and Klay who was clearly upset and then look at the hole in the wall.

"Klay, what the fuck did you do?! You could have broken your hand or something! Just because you lost your still 3 and 1 so let's get back to Oakland without breaking anything and win." I let it all out. I don't know why I was so upset at why he punched the wall. Yet he could seriously of gotten hurt. Ayesha grabs Stephen's arm and pulls him away, already knowing me and Klay are gonna talk.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so upset on how I played tonight. We could have won if I wasn't so out of it tonight. I just fucked up tonight okay." Klay states pissed off and he walks away from me.

"Hey, don't you walk away from me." I yell and walk quickly infront of him. "You guys lost that sucks but you guys lost as a team, everyone did something that didn't help the score at all. We're in this together though, and I want you to talk about these things with me and not walk away." Ew why am I sounding so lovey dovey all of a sudden? Disgusting.

"I'm sorry." He replies queitly, and I just go and hug him.

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