Oracle Arena.

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3 months Later
I finally moved out, I couldn't handle them anymore. I lost contact with Crystal after that night. I currently live in Oakland, California. I hated myself for letting someone get to know me and I actually fall for them, it was a stupid young girl mistake. I've found liking in the Golden State Warriors. Tonight I was actually going to their game, which my good friend draymond Green got me seasonal tickets.

Dray👌- You coming tonight?

Kaylee👌- You know it.

Dray👌- Wanna meet up after?😏

Kaylee👌- Wouldn't miss it for the world.

No me and Dray are not dating, we're just friends, and yes I'm friends with all his other teammates as well if you catch my drift. Getting ready for the game was simple I chose Dray's jersey, a pair of shorts, my jordans, and my phone and keys. I lived about 15 minutes away from Oracle Arena, but I've missed the last few games because I was busy and they played the Clippers. No one knew that I had a thing with a member on that team we do not speak of him. Once I got to the arena I grabbed something to eat and drink at the food stand, and went to find my Courtside seats. When I get situated I see draymond wave, and of course I wave back.

Game over Warriors win of course. They're doing pretty good this year, but that's not a surprise. I stayed where I was because I knew Dray would come back out.

"Oh hey Kay, how are you?" Steph asks. I see Stephen and Klay come out and I walk over to them.

"Good, how are you guys. Oh and great game today." I say looking at both of them.

"Thanks but I gotta go good to see you." Klay says quickly walking away. Do I smell or something?

"Ignore him he's upset he wasn't on  tonight." Stephen says. "I'm doing good though, Dray should be out soon." He adds making me blush.

"Oh he told you." Steph nods his head smirking.

"Oh yea, he basically announced it to the world." He laughs making me laugh.

"Don't listen to him, he's full of bullshit." Dray says walking over to hug me. "Hey baby." He whispers in my ear making sure Steph won't hear.

"Nigga don't lie to the girl, Kaylee who you believe that fake Nigga or me?" I laughed because we all knew Stephen was right.

"Sorry Dray I'm on Stephens side, Cuz we all know you." Stephen acts like a kid and jokes around saying I was right haha. "Don't hurt his feelings Steph, go home to your girl." I say trying to contain my laughter.

"I'd listen to her, Cuz I finna kick your ass." Dray says smirking himself.

"Yea whatever see you around Kaylee." Stephen says winking at me before walking away.

"Thank God that Nigga gone." Draymond says kissing Me. "You wanna go get something to eat or go straight to my house." Dray asks smirking to himself.

"Ooh Dray, get you some!" Shaun yells walking out. Draymond flips him off before grabbing my hand to walk out.

"I don't care what you wanna do?" I ask, opening his car door to get in. Dray ran over to the other side and got in.

"You always have to be so difficult?" He asks smirking. "You want food or me?" He says laughing.

"Yea I'm going with the food, I'm hungry." I laugh seeing his reaction, which was priceless. He fakes a cry and then drives off. "Where are we going?"

"McDonalds." Dray says nonchalant. I nod my head turning the music up since it was Fake love by drake.

I've been down so low that they look up to me they look up to me. I got fake people showing fake love to me straight up to my face.

"Wow amazing, what do you want?" Dray asks turning down the music.

"Um a number 7 please." He nods his head and orders, while he was doing that I was going through my phone and thought I'd be nice and text Klay.

Kaylee💕- Hey Klay I just wanna let you know that you did great out there!

Klay🔥- Thanks.

Kaylee💕- What's wrong?

Klay🔥- Nothing.

Kaylee💕- Something is wrong, I'm not stupid. Is it because you didn't score a lot of points? That doesn't matter you were a total boss on the  defensive end.

Klay🔥- I've just been having bad games, but thanks Kaylee. I gotta go.

He's still not telling me what's wrong, but I decided I'd talk go him next home game.

"Here ya go." Dray says handing me my food.

"Thank you. How much was it?" I ask because I didn't catch the total, since I was talking to Klay.

"Nah girl you ain't paying, I got you." Dray says driving off. I didn't touch my food because I was worried I'd make a mess in Dray's car. Once we got to his house though I digged in, I was hungry.

"Thanks Dray." I say throwing my stuff away.

"No problem baby girl," He says coming up behind me. "Now let's have some fun." Dray says before leaving in to kiss my neck.

         The next day Dray dropped me off at my house, and I quickly got ready for work. My job was simple, I was a model.
I finished up with that, and headed back home to chill.

Iggy💪- I need you.

Kay😙- Be over soon.

"Iggy what's up man?" I ask hugging him when he opened his door.

"I heard you were with Dray last night." He says walking us to his living room. I nod my head sitting down on the couch. "You catching the feels?" Iggy asks sitting next to me.

"Hell Nah Dray's a cool guy, but you know my motto." I say shocked that he thought I was catching something for Dray.

"Good the team was worried." Iggy says laughing slighlty. I roll my eyes not believing him.

"Draymond isn't talking shit right?" I ask worried to find out he is, because I was gonna have to talk to him. I was comforted when iggy quickly shook is head no.

"Nah nothing like that, I've just noticed you hang out with him the most." Damn come to think of it he's right.

"Damn your right. I'll talk to him."

"Good, Cuz Dray can't be catching feels when we know you won't. No offense I'm just looking out for him." Iggy says.

"No no its fine, it's my fault I didn't see it." 

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