No Feels.

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 -Warning for the next few chapters it will be Kaylee and Drake, because of how I want the story to go. So if you don't like drake I'll tell you when Klay comes back-

       "Hey Kaylee." Drake says as I walk up to his car. He was currently leaning against it smiling at me.

"Sup Drizzy." I hand the chauffeur my bags. He looks at me confused, but I just shrug. We get into the car.

"You feeling okay, Kaylee?" He asks I nod my head going onto my phone. I could feel him stare at me.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I say looking over to him, he quickly looks away, but I just laugh.

"So what happened between you and Klay." Drake asks. I drop my phone onto my lap and laugh. "What?"

"He was fucking another girl when I got there, so I could care less about that boy." I say honeslty just laughing.

"Are you okay though, I mean I know you got pretty serious." I laugh some more.

"You thought wrong, Drake, he was just an easy fuck." I was still looking at him and the look on his face was priceless. "Boy I ain't get whipped." He didn't say anything after that. Finally we arrive at his house.

"Pick whatever room you want." Drake says opening his house door for me.

"What about your bed?" I ask walking up to him. He looks down at me surprised at what I just said. "Kaylee, you just broke up with someone your not feeling yourself right now." Drake adds putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I feel perfectly fine, but if feel better with you inside me." I run my hand down to his jordan shorts he was wearing and place my hand on his length.

"Kaylee, you don't wa- want this." Haha he was already stuttering. I grab his length slightly moving my hand a little up and down.

"Oh come on, Drake, your already hard." I could see in his eyes that he wants me, but was debating. I slowly go down to my knees, because I knew for now we were home alone. He wasn't stopping me, so I slowly take my hand out and pull his shorts down not losing eye contact. I kiss his hard that was still trapped in his boxers.

"Kaylee, stop teasing." He leans against the wall and I smirk to myself. I pull down his boxers and let his hard on spring free. I slowly lick from the base to the tip, he takes a deep breath in.

"So you want me?" I ask still teasing him. I then kitty lick the tip waiting for him to answer.

"Fuck Kaylee, yes." That all I needed to hear before taking half of him into my mouth. "Mmm." I take my hand and pump the rest of him, slowly taking more and more of him in my mouth. Drake's hand met my hair and tangles itself pushing my head. "Right there shit." He says somewhat loudly. I feel him twitch, and I increase my speed. His hips then start thrusting, and finally he came into my mouth.

"I'm gonna go pick a room now." I say standing up smirking to myself as I leave Drake there half naked breathing heavily. I found his room, so I decided on the room right next to his. The only bag I had was my purse with my essentials. The rest were left by the door.

"Knock Knock." Drake says standing in the doorway. I was currently on my phone. "You kinda left me without me returning the favor." He says walking over so he was standing right in front of me.

"Oh really, how are you gonna do that, because I have a mouth like no others." He nods his head in agreement, but quickly squats so we were eye level. Drake then leans over and starts kissing the right side of my neck.

"I guess you've never heard of what I can do with my mouth." He whispers in my ear. Then Drake pushes me down on the bed, he hovers over me kissing my lips. His hands then find a way to my jeans pulling them down. Good thing I wore sexy underwear. Drake then kisses me on my heat still with my panties on.

"Now who's teasing." I say feeling him pull down my underwear.

"Payback, babygirl." He says. All of a sudden his tongue meets my clit making my back instantly arch. One of his fingers enters me pumping slowly. My breathing starts to get heaving, his thumb starts to rub my clit.

"Fuck." I moan as he adds another finger. I then feel empty, because being the teaser that he is removed his fingers. I whimper.

"What do you want, baby girl?" Drake asks kissing my thighs. This boy think he so slick.

"I want you, daddy." I smirk to myself knowing that would quickly get him, which I was correct when I heard him groan. "Please daddy, I need you." I whimper. He quickly climbs on top of me kissing me. My hands go down to his shorts and boxers pulling both of them down. Quickly enough he lines himself to me and enters me slowly.

"Holy shit." Drake moans pushing himself all the way into me. He then starts to thrust quickly. My right hand goes to him bicep and squeeze it tightly.

"Faster." I say and he gladly obliges. One of his hands holds himself up, while his other hand was occupied going under my bra playing with my nipple. "Shit right there." I say coming close to releasing.

"Cum baby." I do because hot damn he made me feel, so good. Drake slows down his thrust as we both come down from our high.

"Drizzy, where you at?" I hear someone yell thought the house.

"Ah fuck." Drake says getting up and pulling his pants up, which I quickly do as well. "I forgot he was coming over."

"It's fine."

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