What Did I Do?

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Beep beep

     "What the fuck is that?" I somehow moan out. I didn't know where I was, or what happened. All I knew was I'm in a bed and an alarm is going on.

"Kaylee, we have a plan to catch." I think it was Klay who said that. All I remember is me and Andre having a shot contest. I moan into the pillow I was laying on. I then try to move, but I felt like shit.

"Don't think that's gonna happen." I reply to whoever I'm talking to, which I hope is Klay. "Where's Andre?" If it was Klay he would know where Andre is.

"He's in his room, hopefully alive." yep it's Klay. I try to move again but it still hurt so bad.

"I need some drugs, coffee, and sunglasses if you want me to get up." I then hear footsteps walking away from me. I just lay there thinking why I thought it was a good idea to have a shot contest.

"Here you go, baby." Klay says setting what I asked for on maybe the bedside table. I surprisingly move my hand.

"Sunglasses please." I basically demand. I already feel the headache when I'm looking into darkness. I do not want to know how it feels when I look at the light. I feel my sunglasses in my hand. I then luckily turn to my side, eyes still closed as I put the glasses on. I open my eyes slowly and quickly close them. It hurts like hell. "Can you give me the pills and water too?" I ask holding both of my hands out. I hear Klay open the pill bottle and dumping them into my hand. Then he hands me the water. I take them moving my head slowly.

"Is your headache seriously that bad?" Klay asks.

"Yes." I reply now rubbing my head. I did not know how I was going to handle this. I don't even know if I could walk. "Just leave and I'll buy a flight home tomorrow." I say laying back down. I then feel Klay's arms one on my back and the other on my legs. He picks me up just like that.

"Come on, baby." Klay says walking towards the door. I do not know how he's carrying me I'm heavy. Somehow he opens the door and we walk to the elevator.

    "I wish someone would carry me." I hear Andre say. I surprisingly open my eyes to see him leaning against the wall.

"Iggy, your alive!" I say happily then closing my eyes again. "Who won?" I ask.

"It was a tie. We had to cut both of you off." Klay answers my question. In my head I would've rolled my eyes, but it would've hurt.

"That's not fair." I state. I could've won but no they cut me off.

"I would've won." I hear Andre says. Then I feel us start to move.

"Nope." I somewhat yell, but I sound like a 5 year old. "Where are you taking me?" I ask Klay opening one eye to look up at him.

"Kaylee, we're going to the airport." He answers sounding somewhat mad at me. He shouldn't be I said to leave me there.

"If your mad at me. I said I would've stayed here, so it's your fault." I say wondering why I just said that. I still must be drunk. Oops.

"Well maybe if you wouldn't of gotten drunk. I wouldn't be mad." He says making me frown. I now had both of my eyes open.

"Your cute when your mad." I say taking one of my hands to touch his face.

"I'm not in the mood, Kaylee, it's bad enough your to hung over to walk. Making you look like a 5 year old." Why is he so mad at me? Uh oh. What did I do last night?

"Put me down." My mood swings hit me, and I'm pissed at Klay for some reason. He keeps walking. "Klay, I said put me down." He doesn't. "I will scream if you don't put me down." Klay finally stops and sets me down. It takes me a moment to balance myself, but I'm able to stand up.

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