Chapter 9: Shifting (4 years 6 months)

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"You have to feel it in here." Darius tapped his finger on his youngest son's chest. "It's like a big ball of energy, and you have to release it." He threw out his arms. "And then you'll turn into a human.

"But I don't want to be a human. I want to be a werewolf." Raven pouted at his father.

"You'll still be a werewolf. You'll just be able to change back and forth. So when we got to Aunt Karen's house, you don't have to hide under the blanket."

With a sigh, Raven nodded. "Okay, daddy. I'll try." He closed his eyes and scrunched up his face. Nothing happened.

Darius watched the boy. The more time passed the harder Raven pushed. His fists were clenched, and he had puffed out his cheeks as he really focused on doing it.

Releasing a huff of air, Raven fell onto his side. "I can't do it. It's too hard."

Daven marched over. "I can do it."

Raven frowned. "I don't care. I don't want to be human."

The older twin smiled and changed form. "See. It's easy." He changed back and then redid the process.

Raven watched closely with big eyes. "Wow. How'd you do it?"

"I figured it out all by myself." He flashed his brother a big grin.

Darius raised a brow. It had been pretty shocking when a naked human boy had come darting into their room screaming at the top of his lungs. Daven had even learned how to take full wolf form as well.

"I want to do it." Raven folded his arms.

"Well, then you need to listen to what I'm saying." Darius turned his son toward him. "Alright, focus on that energy and visualize yourself as human."

"But I don't know what I'd look like as a human," the boy shrugged, appearing very concerned.

Darius groaned and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hmm.. okay, envision yourself to look like Uncle Aden. He's a sub, you're a sub. You'll look something like him."

"But I don't want to be Uncle Aden."

"Then Peter."

"I don't want to be Peter," Raven wept. "I want to be me."

The boy fell over and started to cry. How did he even get to that conclusion? Darius looked to his mate, not know what to do with the pup. That was one thing he struggled with. He just panicked when Raven started crying, which happened more than the dominant would like to admit.

"Be nice," said Storm.

His mouth fell open, and he motioned to the emotion blob on the ground. "What did I do? I'm trying to teach him, and he freaked out."

Storm pursed her lips. "Be nice. It's hard. Raven's four years old. It probably too early for him to learn anyways."

"Almost four and a half," muttered Darius under his breath. "Daven figured it out."

"Daven and Raven are two different people," she stated firmly. "From what I heard, Titus learned before you, and you're even older. So leave him alone. It's not something he has to learn right now anyways."

Darius shook his head and scowled at the wall. He wanted both of his son to get it. Daven constantly teasing Raven for not knowing how to change forms was grating at his nerves. He patted the sub's head. "You don't have to be Aden or Peter. When you learn how to shift, you'll still be you."

Raven's head perked up. "I'll look like me?" He wiped his muzzle.

Darius nodded.

"What will I look like?"

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