Chapter 24: Winter Break (13 years, 7 months)

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Raven ran up the steps to Perri's house. Daven was waiting just inside the door as his little brother jumped up to hug him around the neck.

"Gez, Raven a little warning."

"I missed you." The sub hugged him tightly before letting go. He smiled at his brother. "Did you miss me?"

Daven shrugged. "I guess. The cave's a little boring without you." He ruffled his twin's hair.

Their parents entered the home with Raven's bags and the sub untangled the mess his brother created.

"I'll take these upstairs." Darius took the book bag from his mate.

Raven went into the living room. "Aunt Karen." He hugged her.

"Hello, sweetheart. Come sit down and tell me all about this school."

The sub plopped down on the couch. "I like it a lot. It's harder, but I still got straight A's. I even made a few friends." He smiled at her.

"That's wonderful. I wish my son could have been as dedicated of a student," she glanced at Aden.

"Mom, do you know how long it's been since I've been in school? I graduate. That's all that matters." Uncle Aden held up his hands.

"Still," Karen breathed with an arch brow. "It's rubbing off on Saigon."

"I got them up, Grandma. All A's. Just like Raven." He gave his cousin a cheesy grin from where he sat on the floor.

Raven leaned down and hugged him from behind. "I missed you."

"Yeah, it's good to have you back." He patted his cousin's arm. "You're the only one that can keep Daven in line."

The sub sat up straight. "You've grown."

Saigon laughed. "Not that much."

Raven glanced at his brother who was standing in the entryway talking to their father. "Daven's taller too."

"It's part of being a dominant." Karen patted the boy's leg. "I'm sure you have a few more inches to go yourself."

He hoped. Raven glanced at his uncle. If he could be a little taller than Aden, then he'd be okay with it.

A black haired boy came down the stairs.

"Jagger!" Raven jumped up and ran over to him. He hugged him around the waist. "I missed you."

Jagger hugged him back. "I missed you too. Did you just get here?"

"Yep, just a few minutes ago."

Daven eyed his twin. "What's with you? You're running around hugging people like you've been gone for years. It's been what, two months?"

"Three," muttered Raven, running his hands down a section of his hair.

"Leave him alone." Darius grabbed his elder son's shoulder and shook him. "I'm happy you're home." He pulled Raven to his chest and kissed the top of the sub's head. "Now." He placed the boy in front of him. "Any boy problems?"

Raven shook his head. "I haven't gone to the dominant campus. The others have to watch the sports team, but I stayed behind and study." He smiled proudly.

Darius nodded firmly and hugged the boy to his side. He looked to Daven. "Be more like your brother."

"What!" He motioned to Raven. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Listening," stated the alpha. "He listens to me. No boys, means good grades. If you'd stop messing around yourself, I wouldn't be called into the school every week."

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