Chapter 88: Missing (16 years, 11 months)

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Darius tapped his finger on his arm as he waited. Raven's plane should have landed. He was going to have a firm talking to his son for not calling like he was supposed to before taking off from Paris.

Storm looped arms with him and rested her head against her mate. "Did they land yet?"

The alpha took out his phone from his pocket and checked the airplane's progress. Arrived, on time, stood out next to the flight number. "They're getting off right now."

She squeezed her mate's arm. "He's finally home."

Taking a deep breath, Darius stood up straight as he searched the crowd. Bursts of people past by the couple on the way to baggage claim every few minutes. Their son was not among any of them.

Storm grabbed her mate's hand. "Did you get the flight number right?"

Darius looked at his phone. He checked his email with the payment receipt. The numbers were the same. "It's the right one."

"Maybe he got lost?"

Nodding, the alpha clicked on Raven's name in his contacts. He held his phone to his ear and the call was instantly cut off after one ring. "His phone is off." A pit formed in Darius's chest. There was an uneasy feeling in the air that was leaving him unsettled.

"What should we do?"

"We'll wait a little longer." He held his mate's hand tightly. "No need to panic when most likely he took a wrong turn."

The couple stood there scan each faces as people passed by. With each passing minute, the fear between them grew.

"Excuse me, Sir. Is there something I can help you with?" A security guard stopped in front of the pair.

Storm looked close to tears.

Darius put his arm around her. "Our son's flight landed over 30 minutes ago."

The guard grabbed his radio. "Name?"

"Raven Northern. He's sixteen, just under six foot with long blond hair. He's not the type we could have just miss."

"Fight number?"

Darius repeated it to the man and even showed the guard the email for the ticket.

"Come with me and we'll figure out what happened."

They went to the TSA office and sat down. The offices went to run everything as it was radio throughout the airport to watch out for anyone with Raven's description.

"What if something happened?" Storm wiped her face. "He's all alone. Where is he?"

Darius tried again to call his son. Every time the call ended, he called again. He never should have let Raven go. His chest ached at the thought that something happened to his son.

"Alright, Mr. Northern."

Darius stood. "Did they find him?"

"We ran the seat number and called the Paris airport where your son was supposed to depart, he never checked in. We talked to the flight attendants, but no one border the plane with your son's description. The seat was empty."

The alpha dropped into his seat. Empty? He let out a shaky breath. "Thank you." He grabbed his mate's hand. "But I need to go and find my son." He led Storm from the room as the offices called after them.

Storm was struggling to not let her emotions take over. Their son was gone. Darius had never felt so helpless. He went straight to the ticket counter.

"When is the next flight to Paris, France."

The lady stood up straight. "Is something wrong, sir?"

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