"How long are you grounded?" asked Liam, glancing between the two boys sitting on their beds.
Jesse shrugged. "I don't know. He usually would take away my video games. I don't really understand what grounding even entails most of the time." He picked at the pink scar on his wrist.
Liam let out a sigh and glanced at Raven. The boy seemed off. "Are you okay?"
"Fine," breathed Raven. He kept staring at the wall.
"Now that's a lie." Liam walked over and sat at the long-haired boy's feet. "Jesse showing why he has red fur isn't your fault." Liam caught the pillow that came flying at his head. He laughed to himself as Jesse laid down and faced the wall. "Don't take what those guys say seriously. I mean, I've never understood the whole virgin thing. Who cares? Dominants aren't pure. Why should we be?" He turned to Raven. "I know you're a virgin. Don't think that I'm saying you're not."
"It's fine, Liam." Raven stared at the wall. "I get it."
Liam didn't know what to do. They both were so down. It was a strange position that Liam had rarely ever been up in. "What did Daven say?"
"He was mad," said Jesse. "He yelled at me. Said I took it too far and because of that my dad hurt me. He's madder at my dad than me, though. I'm kind of worried what he'll do."
"Daven's a nice guy and all, but he's still a dominant," said Liam.
Neither of them replied. Liam sucked in his lips and scanned the room. "How did the cream work for you?"
Raven shrugged. "I guess it's working. I've only been using it for a couple days."
An awkward silence settled among them. Liam gripped his knees. It was time to go.
He stood. "I have some homework to do. I'll talk to you guys later."
No answer. Liam went into the bathroom and walked through it to his room. He sat down on his bed and stared at the empty one across from him. Vinny had finally texted him to let Liam know that he would be finishing school online. His roommate had shown up now and then, but for the past week, Vinny hadn't been back to campus. Brock must have decided it wasn't important for Vinny to graduate with the other subs. Liam fell onto his side. He took out his phone to see when the next full moon was going to be. With everything that was going on, he really needed a moment when he could forget all of his problems, even if it was only for one night.
Daven threw open the door, startling both the subs inside. Jagger followed behind him. He had tagged along to make sure that his roommate went to the dorms and not Trevor's office.
Jesse peered up at his fiance as Daven stood over the boy. He snatched the sub's wrist and examined the new scar. Jagger stood by the doorway. He was ready to be a barrier if Daven made a run for it.
Cursing, Daven let out a heated breath.
Jesse sat very still. "Daven?"
"That asshole." He unbuttoned his shirt. "Your own dad." His teeth turned to fangs.
Jagger closed the door and prepared himself.
The sub bowed his head. "I'm sorry. I—I shouldn't have acted out."
"He hurt you!" Daven threw his shirt on the floor before shifting.
Jagger shook his head when he heard the other dominant's pants rip. They were going to get yelled at again and with everything going on, it might make Daven's temper flare up. The werewolf had red markings for a reason as well. Daven tore off the rest of his clothes before snatching Jesse. The sub squealed as his fiance held him to his chest and laid them down on their sides. There was an intensity radiating off the dominant. The fur along his back was raised. Jagger glanced at Raven. The long-haired boy was nearly in tears. The anger of his brother was too much for someone of his rank.

Midfield Academy: Book 3
ParanormaleTwins usually mean double the joy, a two for one, a built in friend from birth. But that doesn't apply to Darius and Storm's boys. Their sons are simply double the work. Daven shows the signs of being a powerful werewolf, an alpha in the making...