Chapter 57: A New Pack (15 years)

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Raven took off his old phone case and put on the new one that had a bit more style to it. The black container was decorated with little crystal. It had been rather pricey, but his mother had assured him it was just an early birthday present. He snapped it one and couldn't help but smile. It looked so nice.

"When is Daddy going to get here?" He glanced at his mother who sat across from him. "I'm getting hungry."

Storm took out a menu from the holder and passed it to her son. "If you want to order some desserts, I'm sure your dad and Daven won't mind."

"Shouldn't we wait until after we eat?" He was a little hesitant. This was usually not allowed, but it was his birthday in little over a week, so maybe today was an exception.

"No, go ahead and pick something."

Raven scanned the items and really wanted a chocolate covered ice cream cake. He showed his mother. "Can I have this?"

"Sure." She raised her hand, and a waiter came over. "Can we get one of these to start with?" She didn't even look closely at what Raven have picked.

Something was off. Sinking down in the corner, Raven played a game on his phone and peeked at his mother ever so often. It didn't take the waiter long to come back with the rather large piece of cake.

The sub perked up. "Thank you." He smiled at the woman and quickly pulled the plate in front of him.

Storm was texting someone.

"Do you want some?" Raven took a big bite.

She smiled at the boy. "No, you enjoy it, Sweetie. A little pre-birthday fun."

Raven grinned. It was close to his birthday, so having some extra sweets should be expected.

The boy had half of it finished when he spotted three figures walking toward them. Raven sat up and waved at them. "Over here."

Darius slipped into the booth next to his son and put his arm around the sub. He gave the boy a squeezed as Jagger and Daven sat down into the other side of the booth with Storm.

"How's my boy?"

"Good." Raven beamed at his father. "I got straight A's again. I have my report for the year in the car and the book list I want for the summer. Also," Raven turned in his seat, "I wanted to invite Jesse out to Northern Ridge like next month. That would be okay, right? He'd get to see Daven, and he can stay in my room like last year."

Darius just nodded. "Sounds like you have summer all planned out."

"I'm really excited. Jesse can come visit, and we can all go to the waterfalls again." Raven glanced around the table.

Daven was gazing off across the restaurant while Jagger sat slumped down in his seat with an emotionless expression.

"Did someone die?" asked Raven.

"What?" breathed Darius. "No, no. No one died. What would make you think that?"

"You're all acting weird." He perked up at his father, already feeling his eyes start to burn.

Sucking in his cheek, the alpha shifted in his weight. "Raven," he took a deep breath, "Daven and Jesse signed the contract today."

The sub smiled, feeling a little relieved. "Well, isn't that a good thing? It's official." He grinned at his brother. "Even more reason for Jesse to come and visit." He grabbed his father's arm.

"Raven." Darius clasped his hands on the table. "Daven is no longer a member of Northern Ridge."

Jagger left the table and headed for the door.

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