Chapter 70: Like Father, Like Son (15 years, 9 months)

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Raven let out an audible sigh when he read the text from Jesse. Daven wasn't mad. He fell face first on his bed and groaned. This was turning into a bigger problem than it was worth. Another text came through. Raven glanced at the screen.

Jesse was staying the night at the mansion. Another message appeared: 'you might want to talk to Jagger.' Raven's shoulders dropped. The fight was partially his fault. The sub had been the one that asked Jagger not to tell. Raven had just never thought he would actually place first. He had hoped, but he thought it would end there.

Raven picked his lips as he stared at Jagger's name in his contact list. He wasn't ready to talk to the dominant. He could manage a text until his nerves settled a bit. Today had been way too stressful. He typed in a quick sorry message and sent it. Playing with his hair, he watched his phone. It buzzed, and Raven braced himself.

'Don't worry about it. Congrats'

Letting out the breath he was holding, Raven fell back on his bed and pressed his palms to his eyes. Now to deal with his father.


Darius sat with his arms folded and tapping his finger.

"Raven won?" said Storm. "What exactly? I thought we were here because of what happened between Jagger and Daven."

"He entered a study abroad scholarship competition. One 10th grader in the school is chosen to spend a year overseas. The teachers and I felt your son was the best candidate."

Storm forced a smile and glanced at Darius. "That very kind of you, but I think it's best if you choose someone else."

"This wasn't a random choice." Trevor leaned forward. "All entries are kept anonymous through the selection process. Raven's was the best out of the bunch. You should be very proud of him."

Glancing between the two men, Storm slid to the end of her seat. "We are very proud of Raven, but Europe?"

"The student chosen is sent with two guardians who Raven will live with. I assure you, he will be well looked after while he's gone."

She forced down the lump in her throat. "Trevor, this is too much. I love my son. I always pushed him to excel at everything he does and to never settle because of his rank, but he's still a sub. If a foreign pack finds out he there, or even rogues, it's too dangerous."

"I've sent future alphas. My own brother won his year, and nothing has ever happened." Trevor took a big breath and looked at the couple. "Dominant, middle, low, or even a sub, a sixteen-year-old is no match for a rogue or dominant. Raven will be at no bigger risk than any other student."

Storm fell silent. Darius didn't say a word. He had nothing to say to the man that was trying to ship his boy off across the world.

"I have a connection with the packs where Raven will be staying. Some of the members' children go to our school. You really have nothing to worry about."

Darius arched a brow and glanced at the window. "Is that all you have to say?"

"He worked hard for this. It's one of the biggest honors you can get at the academy."

"Are you done?"

Trevor slumped back in his chair. "Please consider it."

"We will," said Storm. "We'll talk about it with Raven, but I wouldn't make any plans just yet."

Darius stood, startling his mate. He walked out of the office and headed straight to the dorms.

"Darius!" called Storm. "Darius, wait." Her high heels clicked down the hall as she tried to catch up with him.

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