Chapter 66: Crushing (15 years, 6 months)

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Raven pressed submit and let out a deep breath. It was done. There was no taking it back now. All of his letters were in already and his essay had been submitted. He glanced at the word document that was opened. He quickly closed it before he was tempted to read it again. It was too late to correct any errors, but Raven had everyone take a turn reading through it.

"Did you do it?" asked Jesse.

"Yeah," breathed Raven. "I'll just have to wait and see what happens."

"Good, then you can come to the football game." Jesse grinned at him. "Whoever wins gets to go to nationals. It's going to be so intense."

Raven's eyes wandered to the man wall that had slowly turned into a tribute to his brother. "Daven doesn't even play."

"So?" Jesse turned in his seat to face his roommate. "It's a bunch of men tackling each other. Besides," he straightened up, "Daven is coming to."

"Hmm..." So it was going to be another mushy session of those two being all over each other. Raven was becoming less interested.

"Jagger's going to." The red-haired sub closed his laptop. "They both need a break from all the extra classes."

With a shrug, Raven picked at his nails. "I'll think about it."

Jesse hurried over and jumped on the bed. He put his chin on Raven's shoulder. "You should come," he sang. "You can keep Jagger company while I'm with Daven."

The long-haired boy's eyes flicked to the side before he stared at the wall. "I said I'll think about it.'"

With a grin, Jesse climbed off the bed. "You are crushing so hard."

"Crushing?" Raven arched a brow. "Over what?"

"Over who." The other sub turned and put his hand on his hip. "Not what, and you know exactly who I'm talking about."

"Whatever, Jesse. You're just trying to stir up some imaginary drama."

"Oh, there's drama alright." The shorter boy headed toward the closet. "You have a major crush on a certain future alpha."

"What?" Raven moved his computer to the side "Alpha? There's like fifty future alphas, and I don't like any of them." He folded his arms.

Jesse came out in his underwear, holding a shirt. "Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"There's nothing too spell out." Raven headed for the bathroom.

Going to the sink, he grabbed a brush and combed out all the tangles. A few spots were a little wavy, so he plugged in his straightened. Raven wasn't crushing on anyone. His school work was far more important, and he had to keep his grades up so he would even have a chance at winning the study abroad.

Jesse entered and fixed his t-shirt, before putting some water on his hair. Raven did his best to ignore the other boy as he smoothed out the kinks in his hair. His eyes ran over his jewelry collection. It had grown since last year.

"These ones." Jesse flicked a set of diamond studs with his finger.

"Yeah, they would look nice with what I was planning to wear."

"Sure." Jesse put some gel in his hair to tame some of his curls. "And Jagger said they looked nice on you." He left the room while Raven stood there with his mouth open.

"I don't have a crush on him!"

Jesse completely ignored the other sub and could be heard talking on the phone soon after. Taking a deep breath, Raven faced the mirror. He was not crushing on Jagger. The dominant was really sweet, and they had been friends since they were little. That was it. Putting down his straightener, Raven sucked in his lips and stared at the earrings. He didn't even know if Jagger was gay.

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