Chapter 129: A Gift (19 years, 2 months)

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"Oh my god," said Raven looking through his texts. "Oh my god!" He quickly replied to Liam and went to tell his mother. Grinning, he joined her on the furs in the main area. "They found Liam's parents. They're alive, look." The sub showed Storm the picture Liam had sent. "He has two sisters."

"That's great." She put an arm around her son. "What pretty young ladies." Storm scrolled through the different pictures. "Liam looks so happy."

Raven leaned into his mother's side and looked at the images. "They joined Midfield. They were living as rogues."

"That's wonderful. I bet Liam is happy to have his family with him. That poor boy has been through enough heartache."

"Yeah," breathed Raven. "Mom, I'm going to have to leave Northern Ridge one day, aren't I?"

Storm's muzzled fell open. "What makes you think that?"

"If I ever want to have a mate, I'll have to go to their pack. You had to when you became dad's mate."

Rubbing her son's arm, she shook her head. "You're not going anywhere." She kissed the boy's cheek.

"Because dad didn't mean it when he said I could date," he said under his breath. "It wouldn't be bad if I met someone from Midfield. Then I could at least be with Daven and Jesse. Liam is there too."

Storm turned her son to her. "You are not changing packs. I forbid it. Anyone who wants to be my son's mate will have to come live here with us." She gave him a smile.

One of the sub's ear flicked down. "What do you mean?"

"I think you need to talk to your dad when he gets home."

"He's planning something, right?"

"When it comes to making sure he gets to keep you here, your father is always planning." She tapped his nose. "So cheer up and stop stressing over something that I'm not going to let happen. I had to give up Daven. I'm not letting anyone take you away from me. As your mother, I'm allowed to be selfish."

Raven tried not to smile. That was news he didn't mind hearing.


Raven waited at the mouth of the cave with the bag of dried deer meat his mother had given him. The younger dominants started appearing through the trees. They wandered into the cave and went their different ways. The older dominants followed behind and at the very back was the alpha. Raven stepped forward.

"Hey, you. What are you doing out here?" Darius put his arm around his son's shoulders. "It's getting late."

"Mom said we should talk."

The red werewolf's eyes grew wide. "About what exactly?"

"Your plan to keep me here forever."

Darius opened his mouth but still seemed confused.

"I brought jerky. Mom thought you might be hungry." Raven went over to some smaller boulders and sat down.

The alpha joined his son and took a piece of meat. "What exactly are we talking about?"

"They found Liam's parents. They had been living as rogues and it started to make me think about what it would be like not having my own family around."

Darius swallowed hard.

"Mom said that if someone wanted to be my mate, they'd have to come here." Raven took a deep breath. "So I'm ready. I'd rather know what kind of an arrangement the person has to agree to beforehand rather than it being a surprise."

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