Chapter 42: 15 Percent (14 years, 4 months)

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"Oh my god," Vinny burst into Raven's and Jesse's room through the bathroom. "Your brother got into a fight.

Raven sat up and put his textbook to the side. "What?"

"Brock told me all about it." Vinny sat down on Raven's bed. "I guess during lunch a senior called Daven the f-word," Vinny did quotes. "You know not traditional, but feral," he said quietly. "And a mutt."

"Oh no." Raven clasped his mouth. "Is the guy okay?"

"He'll be fine. He had some scratches on his neck, but that's enough for the toxins to get in. So the guy was screaming on the floor. Daven would have done more, but Jagger did this flying shifting move off the table and tackled Daven. Brock said it was awesome, but terrifying at the same time. It was all the whole campus could talk about all day."

Raven shook his head. "My parents are going to be so mad. He didn't even make it a day." He looked over to Jesse who had gotten really quiet.

The sub was pressed up in the corner with a panicked look on his face.

Raven went over to him and climbed on the bed. "Jesse?"

"I'm okay. It's just a lot." Jesse swallowed hard. "I'll be okay. Just flying dominants, toxins, and my fiance. It just hit me, but I'm good." He smiled.

Liam appeared in the bathroom doorway. "So I guess you heard about the fight."

The three boys nodded.

"Vinny just told us," said Raven.

Liam nodded. "I was in the rec room, and everyone was talking about it too. Figured go and see if you two knew," he said to Raven and Jesse. "Your dad showed up, Jesse. Daven was even mouthing off to him."

Jesse groaned and fell over. "Goddamn it. I don't want to be stuck between them if they're fighting. Why do dominants have to be so fucking temperamental?"

Raven raised an eyebrow.

His roommate just grinned at him. "Come on, Raven. Spare me one every once in awhile."

"You're every once in awhile is like can we make it through an hour without the f-bomb flying everywhere."

"So sassy," teased Jesse, grinning. "At least I didn't use the other f-bomb."

Raven sucked in his cheek and wrung his hands together. "I don't know how civils are, but with traditionals, it's an automatic fight. Especially if you call someone a dog."

"Civils are the same," said Vinny. "Not as over the top as to jump off a table and tackle someone to stop them from killing another werewolf, though."

"Daven can be a little aggressive sometimes," breathed Raven. "I should probably call and see if he's okay."

"Why?" laughed Jesse. "I'm sure your dad is chewing him out right now, and guess who he's going to take his frustration out on."

The long-haired boy slumped over with a sigh. "Me.


"He called me a mutt," stated Daven. "Yeah, I know it was over the top, but he called me a feral mutt."

"It was the first day, Daven," said Darius on the other side of the phone.

The dominant pushed his hair back from his forehead. "Look I'm sorry it turned out bad, but I'm not going to let some idiot think he can insult me like that. If I'm going to be alpha, I can't be backing down to someone who was obviously insulting me and my rank."

"You took it too far. You don't talk to Trevor that way either. He is your alpha. You will become a part of his pack one day, so you better get it together and respect the man. Do you understand me?"

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