Chapter 78: Jace's Muse (16 years, 4 months)

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"Raven! Someone's here to see you."

The sub hurried out of his room to find Jace standing in the kitchen. Garrett and Will were putting on their shoes.

"Hey." Raven waved.

"Hi." Jace took off his bookbag.

"We're going shopping," said Will. "Are you going to be okay by yourself?"

Raven nodded. "Yeah, we're just going to be studying."

The dominant smiled. "Stay inside. I'm not comfortable with you out on the streets by yourself." He grabbed Garrett's hand. "We'll be a couple of hours. I'll call if it's any longer."

"Take your time," said Raven.

Will nodded. "Lock the door for me."

They stepped into the hall and Raven went to turn to deadlock into place.

Jace was acting a little weird as he messed with the zippers on his bookbag. "Are those two..."

"They're my guardians. They work for Midfield."

"Oh well, I mean..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Are they gay?"

Raven nodded. "They're married."

Jace's eyes grew big. "Wow."

"Is something wrong with that?" Raven ran his hands down his hair. "I'm gay too."

"No, no!" Jace held up his hands. "Not at all. I grew up in the fashion industry. I've been around plenty of gay men. I have nothing against them. I just thought it was weird that the men sent to look after you were seeing each other."

"It's better than splitting up a family," said Raven softly.

"True." Jace took a deep breath. "Did you just come out to me?"

Raven laughed. "Yeah, I did. I don't think it's that big of a shocker I'm gay."

"No, if we're announcing sexualities, just to keep things fair, I'm straight." He gave the werewolf a smirk and turned on his camera.

"Really? I never would have guessed."

Jace's mouth fell open. "Look at you getting cocky. I'm thinking we better do the shoot while they're gone. It'll make it less awkward."

"Yeah, that's fine. I can show you around. My room is this way." Raven led Jace down the hallway to the door at the very end. The sub had spent most of the morning cleaning.

Jace shook his head as he looked around. "This is a super nice apartment."

"Midfield owns it."

The human sat down on the bed and began to set up his camera. "Do you have some plain jeans you can wear?"

Raven glanced down at his sweatpants. They weren't exactly high fashion. "Yeah, I have a whole bunch." He went into the closet where a large dresser was filled with jeans. The sub took out a few of his favorites and return. He dropped them on the bed. "Will any of these work?"

"My god." Jace looked at the label. "Are you parents loaded? Mine won't even buy me this brand."

"My mom's a big shopper. My twin is more like my dad. They both hate shopping, so she always takes me." Raven smiled. "Not that I mind going." He moved his hair so it was all on one side.

"You're a twin?"

Raven nodded. "Not identical." He sighed. "We're complete opposites actually."

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