Chapter 76: Human Standard (16 years, 2 months)

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Raven took a deep breath and climbed out of the car.

Garrett squeezed the boy's shoulder. "You'll be fine. Don't worry."

The sub nodded and shuffled into the building with Garrett following behind him. Inside was a desk with a woman sitting behind it. They waited for the pair in front of them to finish signing in before moving up to meet the lady.

"Welcome, can I get your name and school?"

"Raven Ridge, I'm from Midfield Academy."

She scrolled down the list on her tablet to the Rs. "There you are." She looked to Garrett. "Are you from the school or his host family?"

"I'm his guardian, assigned by the school."

"Excellent, can you sign here please?"

Garrett set to work doing the paperwork as the sub looked around the large entryway. A few of the other students were standing around just on the other side of a desk. One boy was taking pictures of the mosaic on the ceiling.

"And that's it." The woman smiled. "You're all good to go, Raven. You can wait over there with the other students. Pick up is at 3 o'clock sharp. Please be on time."

Garrett nodded and looked at Raven. "If anything comes up, call us. Alright? We always have our phones on us."


"Good luck, and don't be too nervous. You're not the only new student here."

"I'll try." Raven picked at his fingernails. He was already so nervous, though.

"Alright, see you at 3 sharp." Garrett wave and headed out the door to meet up with his mate who was waiting in the car.

Raven shuffled around the desk and went to stand in the corner. He started to play with his hair. Going to a new school was hard enough without having to blend in with a different species. He folded his arms and leaned against the wall. The sub was startled by a flash. He looked over to see the boy with the camera.

"Sorry." The boy with dirty blonde hair gave the werewolf an uneasy smile. "The shot was perfect. I couldn't help it."

"That's alright."

"I'm Jace." The short boy offered his hand. "Jace Harrison, I'm from New York City."

The sub shook it. "Raven Ridge, I don't think you'll know where my hometown, but I won the Midfield Academy Scholarship."

"Oh wow, so you're the genius they sent this year. The guy who won last year was way ahead of us. Most of these people just have rich parents. A couple other students are like you, but Midfield is always one of the smartest."

"You did this last year?" Raven motioned around the room.

Jace nodded. "My dad's a pretty big photographer. It's where I get it." He fiddled with his camera. "My mom's a fashion designer. They're both busy, so they send me here. My older brother did the same thing. He told me all about the Midfield students, and he was right." Jace laughed.

Raven stood there, not knowing exactly how to respond. Jace was a strange human, but interesting.

"You don't really fit the type, though."

The sub frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Jace laughed hesitantly. "All the others are more serious looking, and then you walk in." He motioned to Raven. "It was like an audible whisper went through the group."

"Why?" Raven looked around and noticed that people where sneaking peeks at him. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," said Jace. "Not at all, you're just well... well, you're probably the most beautiful boy I've ever seen and I grow up in the modeling world. I've been hauled around to more shoots and run away shows than I can count, but you're something else."

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