Chapter 54: Golden Wolves (14 years, 10 months)

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Raven tucked his hair behind his ears and peered in the mirror. He looked rather dull, but he knew how to fix it. He searched his jewelry box for his diamond studs.

Jesse threw open the bathroom door with his phone pressed to his ear. "Hmm... this weekend. You should have told me sooner."

Raven put his earrings in and glanced at his roommate.

Leaning against the wall, Jesse scowled at the floor. "Because Daven and I were going on a date." He scoffed. "It was going to be the first time we went off campus alone. I know. I know. I want to be there." He scratched his head. "I'll just bring Daven. He's part of the family too."

Someone groaned.

"He's going to be my mate. He's practically your brother-in-law."


Jesse smiled. "Okay, I'll see you Saturday. Bye." He hung up the phone and walked to Raven with a grin on his face.

"Who was that?" Raven moved to the side so Jesse could get to the sink.

"My cousin, Cyrus. He's having his birthday party this weekend."

The shower door opened. Liam tucked the end of a towel around his waist with another one tossed over his shoulder.

"You're taking my brother?" asked Raven.

"You're coming too," stated Jesse as he squirted some water on his hair to get it to lay flat. "And so are you." He glanced at Liam.

"Ha," scoffed Liam. "No way in hell." He dried his hair with the other towel.

Jesse frowned. "Come on. I don't want to be all alone with a bunch of dominants. Cyrus is inviting all his friends from school."

"Daven will be there," said Liam. He headed toward his room.

"Liam!" Jesse stomped his foot. "You're coming!"

The sub slammed the door, making Jesse bristle.

"Fucking stubborn brat."

Raven swallowed hard. "Maybe you should talk to Daven first. He might not like me going if it's just going to be dominants there."

"I'll be there." Jesse pressed his hand to his chest. "Besides, don't you want to see my house?"

Playing with his hair, Raven bit his lower lip. Daven had told him quite a bit about the Midfield mansion.

"We'll stay for the cake and presents, and then we'll go hang out in my room. Or I could show you the playroom my dad made. It's like an indoor forest. It was for my Uncle River so he wouldn't get homesick, but we played on it just as much."

"I'll go with you, but it's kind of up to Daven. I don't want to cause any more issues when it comes to boys since the whole Josh thing."

"What?" Jesse shrugged. "You've been sitting up in the stands with me like a good little pup. Daven has nothing to complain about."

Raven pouted at him. "I'm not a pup. My dad is just loosening up on the whole boy thing, and I don't want to push it."

Jesse rolled his eyes. "I'll talk to Daven. I'm going to make him come anyways, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal."

"Just let me know what he says." Raven picked up his brush.

Gripping the counter, Jesse stared at the door. "Now to get Liam to agree."


"Liam!" Pounding on the door continued. "Liam!"

The sub put his pillow over his head.

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