Chapter 27: He'll Come Back (13 years, 10 months)

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Raven stepped into the room and carefully closed the door. Jesse was sleeping in his father's arms. The sub crept over to his bed and sat down. "My family left. My dad said he'll come by in the morning to talk to you, apologize for what happened."

"Your brother did nothing wrong. It was an accident. Daven didn't know."

Jesse's breath became forced at the word.

Trevor hushed him and rubbed his son's back. The sub fell back asleep.

Raven felt a little nervous himself. Trevor was clearly an alpha and was very intimidating even with the little white wolf clinging to him. Jesse was pretty cute in werewolf form. Raven had never seen his roommate shift before. Though, he knew everyone had a white wolf similar to his own it was nice to see it in real life.

"He's going to be a little unsettled for awhile."

Raven nodded. "Will he be alright?"

"We need to give him some time. He hasn't had an episode this bad since he was little."

"Sorry." Raven bowed his head. "I told Daven that Jesse has a problem with being around dominant. It's too bad he didn't know what Jesse looked like. I should have shown him a picture or something."

"It's no one's fault, Raven."

"Dad?" whispered Jesse.


"Is he gone?"

"Yes, Daven left."

Relief filled the sub as he relaxed.

"Are you going to be okay?"

Jesse nodded. He pulled his hands away from his father and stared at them. "I did it again." He peered up at his dad. "I'm sorry."

Trevor shifted his weight. "They'll heal." He brushed his son's fur back. "I'm more worried about you. What's going on in that head?"

Jesse fell forward. "He scares me more than any man I've ever met."

Trevor looked around the room before clearing his throat. "Let's clean you up." Climbing off the bed, he took his son's wrist and led him to the bathroom.

Raven noticed the blood on Jesse's claws. There was more on the wall. He felt so bad for his roommate. He must have been going through a lot if he did that to his own father.

The pair returned.

"I'll send someone in tomorrow while you're at class to clean up," said Trevor, gathering up his clothes. "Raven, do you mind staying with him? If you'd rather not, I can get Liam. He's done it before."

"I'm fine with it." The long-haired boy smiled. "My bed's big enough for us both."

"Thank you," said Trevor, running a hand through his son's fur. "Call me if it gets bad or if you change your mind. I'll come get you and take you home for a few days."

"I can do this," said Jesse firmly. "I'll be okay."

Trevor hugged his son. "I'm proud of you. Today was a hard one, so don't be ashamed by it." He lifted the sub's chin. "Don't push yourself either just to prove to me you can, alright? Call me if it gets to be too much."

Jesse nodded.

"Goodnight, boys." The alpha kissed the top of his boy's head before giving Raven a wave and leaving.

Jesse hurried over to Raven and climbing onto the bed.

Raven held his roommate to his side. "Are you going to be okay?"

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