Chapter 112: A Slip of the Tongue (18 years, 3 months)

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Sitting on Jesse's bed, Liam hid his face in his hands. What had he done? The world seemed to be blowing up in his face. All he wanted was to prove that he was worth something and everyone kept trying to stop him. He just wanted to show he could make on his own without dominants or other werewolves. His hand went to his shoulder. The scar still hurt a little.

"Here." Jesse bumped the boy's shoulder with a glass of water.

Liam took it. "Thanks."

Jesse sat down and crossed his legs. "So do you want to talk about it?"

Shaking his head, Liam took small sips.

"You know I'm here for you, right?" Jesse laid his head on his friend's shoulder. "I was supposed to move into my apartment today for college. Raven been going crazy about decor," he mocked, hugging Liam. "But the moment I heard you were in trouble, that didn't matter anymore. Raven was pissed. He spent all day sitting outside since we have the key and we forget to let them know what was going on."

Liam nearly choked on the water as he tried not to laugh. "Have you told them yet?"

"Yeah," sighed Jesse. "We sent a pack member with the key. Raven was practically crying because he felt so guilty for being mad."

"That's Raven for you. He's too innocent for this world. " Liam clutched the glass in his hands. "I've done some horrible things." He wiped his eyes.

Jesse took the cup and put it on the bedside table. He rubbed the other sub's back.

"I wanted to go rogue." Liam sucked in his lips. "I was tired of being an omega." Falling over his knees, he tugged at his hair. "I couldn't do it anymore."

"It's okay," whispered Jesse.

"The last year of high school"—Liam wiped his face with his arm—"I did stuff for money."

"Sexually stuff?"

"Yeah." Liam's voice cracked. "I wanted to earn enough so I could go to college. A human one that was far away from my pack." He let out a ragged breath. "Someone told my alpha what I was doing and he caught me before I could leave. He took all the money I had earned."

Jesse wrapped his arms around the shaking boy.

"He made me do such horrible things."

"It's okay." Jesse rocked the sub back and forth. "You'll never have to go back there. Hell, that fuckwade wouldn't dare to ever touch you again."

Liam smiled and cleared his eyes. "You always said if I ever wanted to join your pack, you'd find a way. I guess Cyrus must have been listening in on the conversation."

Jesse sat up straight. "Did you know he liked you?"

With a shrug, Liam glanced at the door. "I thought we were only friends. Well, friends with benefits," he scoffed. "He tried to mark me once but I didn't think it would go this far." He motioned to his shoulder. "I figured it was hormones or instincts acting up."

Tensioned filled the boy next to him.

"Jesse?" said Liam. "What's wrong?"

"God help that fucking idiot!" Jesse stood. "Did Cyrus pay you to have sex with him?"

Liam's mouth fell open. He should have never let that slip out.

"He did! That bastard paid you for sex!" He marched to the door and threw it open.

Liam was too shocked to do anything but stare. There was a reason he had never wanted Jesse to know what they had done and Cyrus was about to find that out.

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