Chapter 136: Ultimatum (19 years, 7 months)

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He was going to do it. Jagger took a deep breath as he marched across campus. It was either talk to Raven now and potentially stop the interviews that would be taking place over the break or let the sub go. The young dominant felt sort of ready. The idea of telling Darius that he wanted to be with his son was still daunting. Jagger was going to be the next alpha but he was young. Titus had nearly been killed because a stronger werewolf decided they wanted Aden for themselves. It didn't help Jagger's confidence that the werewolf had been his father.

Hurrying up the steps, he entered the apartment. Music was playing in the kitchen. Jagger looked around the corner to see Jesse making two sandwiches with only meat stacked between the slices of bread.

"Wow, hungry?"

Jesse shrugged. "Why waste stomach space?"

"True." Jagger glanced down the hall. "Is Raven here?"


"Oh." He sighed. Hopefully, the pup didn't take too long to come home. Jagger was nervous enough.

"He went home."

Jagger's eyes grew wide. "What do you mean?"

"Josh kept texting him." Jesse smushed the bread together. "Raven made it clear that he would not trade packs and Josh is too fucking dense to understand that. My dad helped arrange it, so Raven could go home earlier."

"What? When? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

With a shrug, Jesse got out a plate. "You're never around. You live at the gym and Raven doesn't like talking about relationship stuff with you. Totally your fault." He pointed at the dominant. "But on a positive note, you're looking great by the way. As my father would say"—he lowered his voice—"the boy has finally filled out. He looks like a dominant rather than a scrawny pup."

"Jesse," breathed Jagger.

"What can I tell you? It happened pretty quick. Raven said he was taking his finals earlier and the next thing I know he has his bags packed and he's on his way to the airport."

Jagger breathed out through his nose. "Why didn't he at least mention it to me?"

Footsteps sounded from upstairs. "Because he asked me, too," said Daven. "You've been so busy lately and it slipped my mind. Sorry."

"Goddamnit," the dominant said under his breath.

"Why is it such a big deal?" said Daven. "You're going home this weekend. You can see him then."

"I had something to tell him," snapped Jagger.

Jesse and Daven glanced at each other before turning to the man in the entryway.

"Like what?" said Jesse. He put the other sandwich together and handed it to Daven.

"It doesn't concern either of you."

"Does, too," said Jesse before taking a big bite. "He's my best friend." He wiped his mouth with his hand.

Daven eyed his roommate. "Is something going on here I need to know about?"

"No." Jagger shook his head. "Nothing is going on." Marching up the stairs, he went to his room and flopped down on his bed.

Now what? His last final was on Friday. He wouldn't be able to go home until then. What if Raven had already decided on another guy before he got to Northern Ridge? His chest seized at the thought. Jagger really was losing the sub. Josh had never been a real threat but these new men would be. They were coming to his pack to take Raven. Cursing, he took out his phone and called his sub. The voicemail clicked on after one ring.

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