Chapter 23: The Man Box (13 years, 5 months)

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Raven dug his fingers into his skull as he stared at the mound of homework on his desk. It was so much harder here. It had already been two weeks, and the sub felt so far behind. It didn't help he had enrolled a month late. Running his hands down his face, he leaned back in his chair. He could do this. He was not going to let his GPA fall.

Jesse opened the door and leaned down to grabbed a box. "Hey."


"How's the catching up coming?"

Raven shrugged. "I should have it all done by next Monday."

"Cool." He dropped the box on his bed.

Raven turned in his chair. "What's that?"

"Well, after feeling you out the last couple weeks, I've decided you'll be able to handle my box of men." Jesse unrolled a poster of a muscle man in tight shorts with 'The Boulder' written across the bottom.

His eyes grew wide. "Jesse? What is that?"

"Isn't he gorgeous?" The sub scanned the image. "He graduated from Midfield a few years ago, and now he's a professional rugby player."

"Why is he naked?"

"He's not naked," Jesse snapped. "He's has clothes on. For a traditional, I don't see why that matters anyways. You guys are always running around in the nude." He sighed while looking over the image. "They play as werewolves, so they just wear shorts for like press conferences and stuff. I follow all of his social media." He climbed up on his bed and started tacking it to the wall.

Shaking his head, Raven went over and look through the rest of the box. More posters of 'The Boulder' and other very muscular men. "You're going to hang all of these up?"

"All that fit." Jesse jumped down and grabbed another.

"Jesse," breathed Raven. "What am I going to do if my mom visits?"

The sub faced his roommate. "The Boulder is no different than all the pictures of your brother you taped everywhere."

Raven's mouth fell open. They were not the same in the slightest.

"Let me dream a little, Raven. Unlike you, I don't get a choice. My dad could find some scrawny nerd that magically is somehow a dominant, and guess what, I'm stuck with them."

Clasping his cheek, Raven didn't know what to do but to just give in. "Whatever. Are all of these people rugby players?"

"Nope." Jesse unrolled a poster. "He's actually human. He's super hot, right? I mean he has fucking abs of steel."

"Jesse, please."

"Whoops." He shrugged.

Raven scanned the man in a tiny bathing suit. He was nice looking, but hanging a picture of him up was a little over the top.

"He'd be a perfect alpha, right?" Jesse smiled, shaking the poster.

"He's human, Jesse."

"So," the sub frowned, "I could mark him, and he could mark me. I bet he'd be an amazing alpha. I mean look at him." He held out the poster.

"He could turn out to be a middle rank," replied Raven. "My uncle had black hair as a human, and now he's a blond."

Jesse groaned. "Way to ruin my dream." He flopped down on the bed. "Why can't my dad just let me choose?" Tipping the box over, he took out all the clippings. "I mean one of these guys has to be alpha material, but not once has my dad met with a boy even remotely like anyone of them. I mean even the humans are better looking." Rolling onto his back, he stared at the ceiling.

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