Raven finished hanging up the last of his clothes and put his hands on his hips. With a sigh, he scanned the room. He had taken over the downstairs with Jagger while Jesse had moved upstairs with Daven. Raven ran his hand along his clothes. Jagger had to put his in Jesse's old room because there clearly wasn't any space for them. The sub glanced at the empty box in the corner. Maybe he should fill it with things to donate and surprise his mate. Jagger didn't seem to mind but the amount of stuff Raven had acquired was getting out of hand.
That was something he would deal with later. He was tired of unpacking. Going to the kitchen, he noticed Jesse sitting at the counter.
Jesse slammed the computer closed but not before other sub was able to make out part of the website.
"What was that?"
"Nothing," said Jesse.
"I thought I read surrogate."
"Well, you read wrong." He leaned over the laptop and cleared his throat. "Did you get unpacked?"
Eyeing his roommate, Raven nodded and went to the fridge. "I'm taking a break. I think I might dejunk."
"You're always dejunking, yet your closet is still overflowing."
Raven arched a brow as he took out a container of juice. "Some of us don't like to wear the same shirt for three days in a row."
Trying not to smile, Jesse pulled the neckline over his lips. "To each their own."
"Hmm..." Raven poured himself a glass. "So you come back from Australia and are thinking pups already?" He took a sip. "That scar must have done something to your head, too."
Jesse scowled. "I'm not thinking pups. You read it wrong."
"Then open it." He motioned to the computer.
Frowning, Jesse turned away. "Did that scar turn you into a jackass? God, you were never this nosey before."
Raven finished his drink with a shrug. "Daven is my brother. Your pups will be my nieces and nephews so I'm curious."
Jesse traced the design on his laptop case. "When are you and Jagger thinking of having kids?"
The long-haired man shrugged. "Not until after graduation. The idea of raising a pup and going to school sounds exhausting. After we graduate, I'm sure we'll talk about it more."
"I thought you said you might continue and get your masters?"
"I might." Raven leaned over the counter. "I haven't decided yet. My dad is pushing Jagger to go on because he heard that Daven was practically told he will be getting his MBA. If my mate is in school, I might as well do it, too."
With a sigh, Jesse laid his head on the counter. "I don't want to. I'm going to graduate and be done with school. I'm fine with sliding into the stay-at-home dad role."
"Well, then you have nothing stopping you." Raven refilled his glass. "If you want, you could have a pup sometimes next year."
"I know." Jesse sat up. "But how can I convince your brother?"
Raven tried not to smile. "So are you going to admit it yet?"
Jesse groaned. "You're too fucking observant." He opened the computer.
"I saw the website. Anyone could've figured it out." The long-haired boy moved around the counter and sat down. "This is your pack's clinic?"
"They're the best and it's free for me, so I don't know why we'd go anywhere else."

Midfield Academy: Book 3
ParanormalTwins usually mean double the joy, a two for one, a built in friend from birth. But that doesn't apply to Darius and Storm's boys. Their sons are simply double the work. Daven shows the signs of being a powerful werewolf, an alpha in the making...