Chapter 68: Too Far (15 years, 9 months)

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Daven slammed the door to the van and faced forward. He was struggling not to lash out at the werewolf sitting behind him. His body was still on fire from Trevor's toxins. He didn't want to cry in front of the whole school, but his emotions were everywhere.

He could believe that Jagger betrayed him. He was just going to let Raven go on this stupid trip to Europe. Raven was a sub and also the next alpha of Midfield's brother. The boy would be a prime target for any werewolf to kidnap.

Resting his head on the seat in front of him, Daven focused on his breathing. He couldn't think about it. He'd just get into another fight if he didn't find a way to calm down. The back door opened and closed. Daven didn't bother to turn around to see what was going on, though.

Trevor climbed into the passenger seat and dropped a bag at his feet. "Go to the mansion. My office has too many subs wondering around and seeing these two will just make them panic."

"Yes, sir."

Trevor shifted forms and grabbed a shirt. He pulled out a few thin blanket. He tossed one back to jagger. "Shift and wrap up in that." He gave one to Daven.

Both the boys did so. The driver started down the road, and they soon left the campus. The drive was quiet. Neither of the men in front seat bothered to turn on the radio. The twenty minutes to the mansion passed quickly even with the tension mounting in the van. They stopped outside the house, and Trevor climbed out. He took off the shirt and changed formed.

Opening the door, he motioned for the boys to get out. "Let's go."

Daven stepped out and shifted. Trevor took the blanket from him and tossed it onto the passenger seat. He did the same with Jagger's. The two young dominants stood there. Neither wanting to even look at the other.

"Let's go." Trevor led the way into the house.

Daven entered first and with a reasonable amount of distant behind him followed Jagger. The three werewolves went up the stairs to Trevor's office.

"Sit." The alpha pointed at the two chairs across from his desk.

They both did so and directed their gaze at opposite ends of the room.

Trevor sat down and clasped his hands on the desk. "That had to be the biggest load of bullshit I have seen."

Daven and Jagger shifted in their seats.

"To think, I thought, we were past this. I mean you both figure out how to use silverware and eat like grown ass adults, we weren't replacing uniform every five seconds because of your endless need to be taken seriously as werewolves, and no one had been punched through any walls lately. I were stupid to think you two had grown up."

Daven clenched his jaw. "I won't let Raven go."

"Shut up." Trevor pointed a claw at the boy. "Open your mouth again and I'll dig my claws into the other side."

The black and red werewolf clasped his side. Even with Trevor healing it slightly, it still pulsed.

"You insulted your best friend's rank and even went so low as to bring up the attack on Bloodhound. And from what I heard, you even had the audacity to mention Jet."

Jagger let out a shaky breath at the name.

"If I was Jagger, I would have knocked you out just for the rank comment." Trevor sat back in his seat. "I get you're mad that Raven kept this from you. I know you're trying to find someone to blame and vent your anger on, and Raven is a little too easy of a target. If you look at the sub wrong, he'll break down, but Jagger? The one person who has fought and defended you more than anyone else, that's who you're going to choose?" The alpha shook his head. "What a great way to show your appreciation for putting up with your shit all these years. Here let me crack your skull in." He fixed his successor with a firm gaze. "You are nowhere near ready to be alpha."

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