When I Was Your Man

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Warning: Sad Theo and dealing with heartbreak

Theo stopped in his tracks the second an old familiar sound reached his ears with his werewolf hearing. It was a sweet and playful giggle. It was Y/N. He'd recognize that giggle anywhere as he heard it a thousand times before. He turned the corner and saw her with someone else. She had her arms around his neck as the guy's hands rested firmly on her waist. He was playfully kissing and biting her neck, hence her giggling. She looked genuinely happy and that brought a huge wave of pain and guilt over Theo.

"I got you something," Theo overheard as the guy pulled away from her.

"Brett, you didn't have to get me anything," she smiled widely at the boy in front of her.

"But I saw it and I knew you had to have it." He pulled out a small bag and gave it to her. Theo watched her slowly untie the ribbon and open the bag. She carefully grabbed what was inside. The second her eyes landed on the necklace with a werewolf charm, she gasped. "Do you like it?" He asked her.

"Brett..." she said completely surprised by his thoughtful gift. "I love it."

He brushed her hair to the side and grabbed the necklace. "I know we've only been together for three months, and I hope this doesn't scare you," Theo's heart stopped beating as he realized this guy was about to tell her he loves her.

"But you're my anchor," Brett continued. Theo relaxed a bit, but it didn't ease the heartache he had in his chest. Telling a girl you're his anchor is just another way of saying I love you. It was just a matter of time before Brett would actually say it to Y/N.

After Brett clasped the necklace on, Y/N looked down and smiled at the silver werewolf resting on her chest. She looked up at Brett with a genuine smile. "Thank you," she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Theo sighed in defeat. He knew he messed up. His relationship with Y/N was long gone. There was no way to fix it, but he knew he had to apologize. He wasn't ready to let her go and move on, but she already had. He wasn't one to stop her from being happy when she deserved everything the world had to offer. The only problem was he had to let her go otherwise he'd be miserable for the rest of his life.


Theo sat on the front porch steps as he waited for Y/N to come home. The sun had set about two hours ago, but Theo didn't care. He would wait forever just to talk to her.

The quiet kept him to his thoughts, figuring out what he should and shouldn't say. He rehearsed a speech, which he thought was pointless because he knew the second he would see her, he'd forget every word. Plus, he didn't want her to think he had this all planned out. He cared too much about what she thought of him. She'd always had that kind of effect on him, but he never told her.

"Who's that?" A voice pulled Theo from his thoughts as he looked up at the night sky filled with stars. He looked down to see Brett and Y/N holding hands as they slowly walked up to her house.

"Theo?" She questioned. The second she saw him and said his name, her and Brett's demeanor changed. They were no longer happy. Y/N had mixed emotions of hurt and sadness. Brett was radiating with anger, as he knew the story of how Theo broke Y/N's heart before he came along and repaired it.

"I just want to talk," Theo stood up as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Do you have a minute?"

Y/N looked at him. She studied his features, which hadn't changed, except for his eyes. They were filled with sadness and guilt. If she were a werewolf, she had no doubt Theo would be reeking of those emotions. However, something told her she should talk to him. Her gut instinct was telling her she needed this and possibly get the closure she wanted and needed.

"Umm, yeah," she cleared her throat. She turned around to Brett who had a concerned look on his face. Not because of what Theo might say if he wanted to fix things or possibly want to get back together with Y/N. Brett knew how much Theo hurt Y/N and how much she liked Brett. He trusted she wouldn't do anything to hurt him just like he wouldn't do to her. However, he was more worried about Theo causing more pain towards his girlfriend. She didn't need that and he wanted to be there to protect her from it.

"Do you want me to stay?" Brett asked her.

Y/N shook her head. "I'll be fine. I had a great day with you today. I'll call you as soon as I get inside," Y/N leaned in and kissed Brett on the cheek. Normally, they would kiss each other goodnight at the end of their date in front of her house. Sometimes their kisses would get hot and heavy. Even though, Y/N believed Theo deserved to be slapped in the face with the same amount of pain he caused her, it didn't felt right to kiss Brett in front of Theo.

Y/N watched Brett walk away after he said goodnight. Once he turned at the corner and crossed the street to get to the next block, she turned around to see Theo staring at her. He hadn't even bothered to watch Brett. He only had eyes for her.

Theo cleared his throat, trying to push back the tightness. "Umm, how are you?"

"Theo, what are you doing here?" She asked, completely ignoring his question and wanting to get straight to the point.

"I wanted to talk to you..." he trailed, figuring out where exactly he should start. Everything he had planned flew out the window. Y/N looked at him, signaling him to continue. Theo sighed as he sat back on the porch steps. "I saw you earlier today."

"You did?" She asked as she hesitated before sitting next to him.

Theo nodded as he fiddled with his fingers. "I was going to the store downtown and I saw Brett give you that necklace," Theo pointed out.

Y/N looked down at her chest, seeing the silver werewolf hanging from the chain. "Theo...," she sighed, "where are you going with this?"

"I had the most horrible feeling I've ever experienced in that moment," he looked away from her and back at his fingers. "I was jealous. I was hurt. I wished that was me... Us..." he trailed.


He shook his head. "It made me realize all these things if I was your man again. How I should have gotten you flowers more often, how I should have held your hand more, given you little gifts, told you 'I love you' a thousand times a day and shout it from the rooftop..." Theo's voice got sadder after each word. He swallowed back the tightness in his throat. "But that's the problem. I'm not your man. Not anymore."

He finally looked away from his fingers and back at Y/N. Her eyes were sad and scared, and he hated that. There was a time when her eyes would light up when he was her man. That fire burned out and it was all his fault.

"I shouldn't need you to be with someone else to make me realize that or want to do those things for you. I should have wanted to do those things when I was with you. You deserve the best and you never got that from me, but I hope you find someone who is willing to go above and beyond for you because that's what you deserve, Y/N."

Tears were rolling down her cheeks at this point. Theo hesitated before he cupped her cheeks and brushed away the fallen tears. She slowly pulled away from him as she wrapped her hands around his wrist and pulled his hands away from her face. "Theo... I will always love you-"

"And I love you too," he quickly replied. "Always."

"But what you did was unforgivable," she whispered sadly.

"I know," Theo mumbled back. "Which is why I came here to say goodbye." Theo sighed as he cupped her cheeks once more and kissed her forehead. He let go of her and looked at her once more. He took in every feature, as he knew it would be the last time he would ever see her again. He was putting aside his selfish needs, his bruised ego, his pride, and his broken heart for her happiness, which is something he had never done before. He traced her cheekbones with his thumb before he got up and walked away. When he reached the sidewalk, he turned around to see Y/N looking at him with tears in her eyes. He regretted how he did things, but he knew this was what was the best for the both of them.

"I hope things work out between you and Brett," Theo said with honesty. "You deserve it, Y/N," Theo said as he walked away from the only good thing he's ever known.

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