Chapter 1

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"Anastasia let's go now!" My dad yelled as I slowly dragged my bags out of my room and down the stairs "why are you making me do this?" I asked as I walked as slow as a turtle "you have to prove to me you can last half a year without my money" he hastily said as he walked out of the house "ugh" I groaned as I dragged my bags towards the car "honey it'll be fun" my mom told me while grabbing some of my bags and loading them up "why couldn't I have just went to Boston with Bri like I was planning on doing" I whined "your dad thinks it'd be better if you went with him" she replied "yea well it's stupid! He just wants to keep treating me like a baby mom, I need some space that's why I was going to go with Bri" I told her "yea and use our money the whole time you're there Anastasia, you're coming with me and that's the end of it. Get in the car!" My dad said angrily. My mom just forced a smile and I plopped myself in the car.

My dad worked at a university a few states away and all throughout high school he'd tell me all the 'fun' things they have and all the different types of programs. What he didn't know was once I graduated I was going to move away from home. Well that was the plan I had back then anyway, now it seems that isn't anywhere near the reality that's set in. My friend Bri was the only friend I had, she was the only one that decided to talk to me. In 10th grade about halfway through the year I was at lunch sitting at a table alone and she approached me and started talking about things she liked about my outfit, since then we've basically been inseparable. My mom and dad are divorced but they remained really good friends and that helped with raising me. My dad  lived a few blocks away from the university with his new wife and two shared kids. I lived with my mom in Michigan. Mom never got married after dad but she's seen a few guys but the guy she's been dating for a few years is the most serious.

"Anastasia" my dad said calmly waking me up. I noticed it was dark outside so i looked at him "were staying here for the night" he said motioning towards the hotel we were parked in front of. He handed me my hotel key and I grabbed my overnight bag full of my necessities then I got out. He grabbed his bag and walked into the hotel. Once we got to my room he gave me a goodnight hug and went to his room.

I walked in and texted Bri and my mom then took a shower and went to bed.

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