Chapter 44

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We both got into the car and he drove to a restaurant and got my chicken nuggets. While he was inside the restaurant I got into the drivers seat and waited on him. I listened to the radio and sang along until he got into the car. "ready?" I asked and he nodded. I backed out and started to drive back to the campus. "baby" he started "I'm driving Alex" I cut him off "stazie you missed the exit" he told me "What?!" I asked as I looked at the next exit sign "you could've told me "I tried" he laughed "take the next one" he told me. I drove and got off on the next exit. "drive down to the end of the road and take a left" he instructed. I did as he said and then we ran into road construction and detours "where do we go?" I asked "give me a minute, just follow the detour until I see something familiar" he said I continued driving but I didn't know where I was going. "I think we're lost" I annonced "I think we are" he stated. "pull over let me ask someone" he said. I pulled over at a gas station and he got out to ask for help. I watched as he talked with a man and they motioned with their arms. A few minutes passed and he got back in. "Ok, go to the right and then take a left and drive three streets and take a left and at the second red light take a left" he told me "Uhm ok" I replied. I did as he said and we were back on the highway. I sighed and continued driving. Alex reached over and rested his hand on my thigh. I glanced down at it "eyes on the road. We don't want to get lost again" he stated. I looked over to see him smiling "Ha ha" I said sarcastically. "this is the exit" he informed me. I took the exit and his hand slid further up my thigh. "Alex stop I'm trying not to crash the car" I warned "I trust you" he told me. I smiled to myself and drove down the familiar streets. He leaned over and kissed my shoulder as he undid my pants. "Alex stop it" I laughed as we stopped at a red light. "let's make this a little more interesting shall we?" he smirked and slid my pants down in one quick motion. "just don't go too fast and don't crash" he smiled as the light turned green. I took a deep breath and continued to drive. He leaned back in his seat but he slid his hand under my panties. I gasped and tried to close my legs but my foot hit the break and the car jerked causing Alex to laugh. "it's not funny" I told him and blushed. I took a few deep breaths and gripped on the wheel as he moved his fingers. I stopped at another red light and he shoved his fingers inside of me. I moaned and gripped the wheel as my eyes shut. "baby the light is green" he told me in a deep voice. I tried my best to go the speed limit and not jerk the wheel whenever he moved his fingers. "alex" I removed a hand from the wheel and grabbed his arm "two hands on the wheel" he told me but I didn't move. "Anastasia" his voice got even deeper and he pulled his hand away. I whined and put my hand back on the wheel and he shoved his fingers inside me. I moaned and bit my lip. "you're so sexy" he told me "shut up" I moaned and I turned onto the road the campus is on. We stopped at the red light, He moved his fingers faster and pumped them into me a few more times. I felt my walls clench around his fingers and I grabbed onto his arm tightly. "baby either so it now or hold it in until we park" he told me. I whined and tried to hold it in but he moved his fingers faster and I came undone. I closed my eyes and threw my head back, my back arched off of the seat and pressed onto his fingers. "it's a green light" he told me as he moved his hand out from my panties and into his mouth. My legs were weak and my body was on fire. I carefully drove to my dorm and parked the car. "you did amazing" he told me and leaned over and kissed my cheek. I took a few deep breaths and pulled up my pants. I opened the door and tried to walk but my legs felt wobbly. "need some help?" he smirked and picked me up. He carried me inside and all the way up to my room. He placed me down and I headed for the bathroom but he stopped me. "leave it" he whispered in my ear and walked into my room. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed him. I packed a bag and left.

This time Alex decided to drive. I thought about messing with him but the drive wasn't long enough.

We got to his dorm and he helped me carry up the bags.

As soon as we walked in he told me to go to his room. "why?" I asked "just wait for me" he told me and he sat the bags down. I walked into his room and sat on the bed. After a few seconds he walked in and shut the door. He walked over to me and pushed me onto my back. He quickly undid my pants and pulled them down along with my panties. I gasped as he quickly started sucking. I pulled his hair as he moved his tongue and licked everything up. He hovered over me and I pulled off his shirt. I ran my hands down his chest and pulled him down so I could kiss him. "I love everything about you" he told me "I'm mad at you" I told him "why?" he pulled away "you can't do that to me. I was trying to drive" I told him and he smirked "you drove perfectly" he told me "no thanks to you" I told him "did you like it?" he asked and lowered his face "did you?" he smirked "hm?" he asked "I want my chicken nuggets" I told him. He moved away and laughed. I pulled up my panties but didn't bother with the pants. He turned around and left the room. I sat on his bed and texted Brooklyn I was staying with Alex.

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