Chapter 41

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Two months have passed since Alex broke up with me. I knew he was messing with other girls, I could just tell. Noah slowly helped me become normal again. Baseball season was about to start, Alex's leg has finally healed.

"Get your lazy ass up!" Noah yelled while walking into my room "go away" I groaned "no, you're coming to school with me today. Brooklyn can't keep stealing you from me." he announced "what if I was naked under these sheets?" I asked as I opened my eyes to see him standing next to my bed. "are you?" he smirked "get out" I groaned "oh come on" he sighed "no I'm fully dressed now get out" I told him. He smiled and walked out and shut the door.

I got dressed and went to school with him.

Classes were boring as usual, when it was time for English I didn't care about sitting next to Alex anymore. Noah was my new seat partner. He messed with me throughout the whole class. I smacked his hand away a couple times because he was trying to mess up my writing.

After class we drove around, talked, and finally went back to my dorm. "let's play a game" I annonced as we walked in "what game?" he asked. "I don't know." I told him. I walked around looking for my roommates but none of them were home. Noah found some alcohol and grabbed two cups.

"well I guess it's just us" I told him and sat on the couch. "let's watch a movie" I suggested as he sat next to me. "which one?" he asked and I put on the notebook. "you're lucky I like this one" he smiled.

About halfway through the movie and the bottle of liquor I started to think about Noah's lips. I glanced over at him as he watched the movie. I looked back at the screen and I felt his hand on my shoulder and his chest against my back. I bit my lip and looked at him again. "what?" he smiled which caused me to smile. "nothing" I told him and grabbed the liquor and drank some more. I tried to push the thoughts out of my head but nothing worked. I glanced at him again. "kiss me" I quietly told him, he looked down at me and then at my lips. "what?" he asked "kiss me" I repeated "I shouldn't. We're drunk and I cant" he told me. I wasn't having any of his nice crap. I turned around sat on his lip and kissed him. He didn't kiss me back at first but he eventually did. "we shouldn't" he told me "I don't care" I said. His lips were perfect, soft and gentle. I pulled his hair and my body came alive. He bit my bottom lip and picked me up. He carried me into my room and laid me down. He didn't disconnect our lips at all. I lifted his shirt up and ran my hands across his chest. He grabbed my butt and pulled me into him. "I can't" he suddenly pulled away "god I want to, but I cant. Were not sober and I can't do that to you" he told me. I felt self conscious and I grabbed the blanket and covered myself even though I was still fully dressed. "I'm sorry" he told me and sat on the bed. "its alright" I replied and grabbed his hand "will you lay with me?" I asked "just for a little bit" he said and laid next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his warm chest.

I woke up the next morning and felt a body next to me. It took a second to remember what happened last night. I slowly turned over and saw he was still asleep. I got out of the bed and went into the living room. "is Alex here?" Brooklyn asked "what?" I asked "is Alex here?" she repeated "no" I told her "oh, there was two glasses and an empty bottle so I was just wondering" she said and grabbed a water. "was Alex here?" she asked "no" I told her just as Noah came out of my room. "oh" she replied and I looked at him. "Uhm can I talk to you?" I asked and he nodded. I walked back in my room and sat on the bed. "you're gay, how did this happen?" I asked "I mean no offense but aren't you not supposed to want to have sex with girls?" I asked. He sighed and sat next to me. "we didn't have sex" he told me "I know, but we-" I started but stopped "look, I'm gay. I've been gay for a while but I had a girlfriend in California, I guess im not exactly gay anymore. I still like guys but girls are an option now" he told me "so you wanted to have sex with me?" I asked "we were drunk" he said "I know,  but if we weren't?" I asked "I don't know." he told me. "I don't know what this means. I have no idea" he sighed "I have practice, I've got to go." he told me and stood up. "please don't tell alex" I asked "I won't." he said and then he left.

A few hours passed and I still couldn't stop thinking about last night. Why would I do that? Why didn't I stop myself? A knock came from the door. I stood up and opened it to reveal Alex. "Alex?" I panicked "hey can I come in?" he asked "Uhm yea, sure" I moved out of the way. He walked in and sat on the couch "I'm sorry. I really have been working on myself. When I hurt my leg I was so angry. I couldn't play baseball and then when I saw you with Noah it pushed me over the edge." he started "Alex I need to tell you something" I spoke up "what is it?" he asked "please don't get mad. Just let me explain" I told him "you're scaring me" he told me "Alex, last night I got drunk with Noah" I started and I could tell he didn't like what I was about to say. "I'm sorry. I kissed him and it was all a blur and crazy but nothing else happened. He stayed the night but we didn't do anything. We stopped after the kiss" I told him. His body language changed. "I don't want to be mad" he started "but, I don't know how to feel. I'm an asshole and I really am trying to fix myself" he continued and I took a deep breath "why'd you do it?" he asked "I was upset and drunk and I don't know" I confessed "I had sex, twice" he told me and it hurt. "I'm not even going to try to hide it. I had sex, two different girls. A few days after we broke up" he confessed "but Noah, really?" he asked and stood up. "you know I don't like him, and at practice I could tell something was wrong" he ran a hand through his hair. "Alex, I don't know what to say. I don't know why I did it" I told him. My heart was slowly shattering. "I don't want us to be upset with each other. Ill forgive you if you can forgive me" he said and walked in front of me. "I need some time" I told him "I understand, I'm sorry" he told me "I am too" I replied. He kissed me and then left.

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