Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning and stood up and walked to the bathroom. I noticed mason and David in the living room sat next to Madison watching tv. Once I got ready for the day I made my way into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and toast. I sat down at the bar area and checked my phone as I started eating. Texts flooded my phone from Alex and even a couple from jack.

Alex: stazie please come back
Alex: I know you're upset but please
Alex:  I'm sorry
Alex: I'm so stupid I shouldn't have said what I said
Alex: I was upset and I did what I do best, yell at people and push them away
Alex: I'm so sorry
Alex: I guess I should give up texting you
Alex: I lied I do that a lot. I had a couple drinks and I'm on the way to your dorm
Alex: the hallway isnt that comfortable

Jack: what exactly happened between you two? He isn't acting normal
Jack: he left and I'm not sure where he's going

I immediately stood up and ran to the door. I opened it and I found a sleeping Alex outside. I guess opening the door woke him up. "stazie?" he asked "you're so stupid" I started "can you save your speech for later? I have a massive headache and I really have to pee" he confessed "no, why did you go and get drunk!? Why in the world would you drive drunk! And text me in the process!?" I scolded causing him to sigh "can I at least come inside?" he asked "whatever" I groaned and moved out of the door so he could walk in. Mason and David didn't seem to care that Alex was here but I could tell Madison was curious. I went into my room and waited until Alex came in.

He walked into my room while running his hand over his face and groaning. He walked over to my bed and flopped down "what are you doing?" I asked "I slept in a hallway last night. I'm tired and sore." he stated "you're so stupid" I said quitely "yes you already told me that. Anything else? Any other names?" he asked "you could've died" I told him "like actually died. What were you thinking!" I paced my room "I was thinking about you and how I needed to see you" he told me "about how I was told my family are going to the game. How my whole life was flipped upside down in 30 minutes" he continued "I needed you. Why'd you leave? I know you got mad but-" he started "you hurt me. You threw your dad problems in my face and basically told me mine didn't matter. You know that's a touchy subject. That's what you do. You poke at the sensitive parts." I told him and sat on the floor and pulled my legs to my chest "I didn't mean for that to happen. Please believe me, I want you to know about things in my life but it's hard for me too. Im so sorry" he spoke up and sat down in front of me. "I'm sorry" he repeated "I never wanted you to get hurt or upset I just didn't know how to deal with it and I took it out on you. I should've just told you from the beginning" he confessed "but stazie, I really am sorry" he told me and I saw his eyes were wet. I reached up and whiped his cheeks "do you want something  for your headache? How about some food?" I asked and he nodded his head. We stood up and he pulled me into a hug. "you're the only stable thing in my life right now. Even though we met not too long ago I wanted you to know" he told me and kissed me softly. It's hard to stay upset at him, especially when he has family issues going on.

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